Search results

  1. hipcat

    Why Spamming Does Not Work

    As a moderator here at Webmastersun, I see a LOT of spamming....daily....especially now that AI generated posts are the spammer tool of choice, but I can never understand why. It just doesn't work, and fills the internet with low quality crap that serves no real value. For example, a few...
  2. hipcat

    Are Ubersuggest Stats Usually Wrong?

    I see a lot of posts on this forum from members recommending Ubersuggest as a good SEO tool, so I tested it out on one of my oldest sites that I already know well, just to see how accurate it is and the results confused me. When it analyzed my site the program got my keywords about right, and...
  3. hipcat

    Do You Think AI Will Replace The Need For Search Engines?

    With the gaining popularity of AI-driven information websites, such as, do you think they are becoming the new search engines of choice? If you want to know about something you can simply ask AI instead of Google these days. Even with ecommerce searches it is quite possible that...
  4. hipcat

    Do Specialty Domains Ever Rank Well In The SERP?

    I've often thought specialty domains, such as .agency, .boutique, .trade, .credit, etc were just gimmicks for registrars to make more money from the lack of good available .com names over the years. Sure, they LOOK cool and a name like or is super easy to remember, but my...
  5. hipcat

    HOT Referral Index Forum (RIF) - Get Paid To Post!!

    What is Referral Index Forum (RIF)? It's a community forum for discussing topics of interest to webmasters and those people looking for ways to make money online. Once you become a member you can then earn "RIF Cash" by posting in threads and creating new threads yourself to share your...
  6. hipcat

    Don't Be So LAZY!!!!!!

    Some people need a slap upside their head! No, really... I've been a webmaster, online marketer & moderator of several sites for over 15 years and I plan to retire within the year, but before I go I wanted to leave everyone with a bit of wisdom I've learned from all my experiences over the...
  7. hipcat

    Why Are Payment Processors So Difficult?

    So, I've been on a bit of a rant about payment processors lately, and I wanted to make one general thread about all the ones I've dealt with to see if there's a trend with other sellers and try to make sense of their policies. I've been selling online for over 15 years with only a few problems...
  8. hipcat

    Replace SendGrid

    Have you tried Mailchimp? Thread moved to email marketing...
  9. hipcat

    Stripe Is Gaslighting Me!!!

    So, here is an incredibly horrible experience that I just HAD to share with all of you. Some of you may enjoy it, or even relate to it. This is my experience with using Stripe over 1 negative Stripe review As many of you know, I've been selling web traffic online for the past 15...
  10. hipcat

    Seeking Advice On My Email List

    I own a site with 43000 members that grew faster than expected and now I'm not sure what to do with the email list. There are a few difficulties I am having, as explained below. First, I'm a builder, not a marketer. I absolutely HATE marketing and I suck at email marketing especially. I love...
  11. hipcat

    WTS Selling A Wide Variety Of Web Traffic Services

    At we offer a wide variety of website traffic and related services. In business for over 10 years, we have served MILLIONS & MILLIONS of visitors to 1000's of happy clients! Some of what we offer includes.... - Geo & Category Targeted Web Traffic - Mobile Website...
  12. hipcat

    WTS Established Traffic Selling Website Going Cheap!

    The site is Established way back in 2010, so even just the domain is aged and worth something. Site was used as a demo for my traffic reseller services, so it's ready to make sales, but would need to be promoted as an active site by new owner. Regged at
  13. hipcat

    Hiring Looking For A Good Salesperson Or Marketer

    I LOVE building websites for newbies that are ready to go "out of the box", but I HATE anything to do with marketing. I'd rather bury my face in coding and not have to deal with anything outside of my passion. So, I'm looking for anyone who is good at promoting, marketing or selling who would...
  14. hipcat

    PJ's Or Office Attire When Working From Home?

    When working from home do you view it strictly as work, where you have a room as your office and dress like you would be at an office, or do you lay around in your pajamas in bed when doing online work? I'm somewhere in the middle. I wear my PJ's while laying on the couch working, but it's in...
  15. hipcat

    Let's Start A Word Game!

    I seen this idea posted on a shopping forum and thought it might be interesting to start a thread here. The game works like this.... The next person to post has to make a sentence out of the letters of the LAST word in the previous post sentence. So, for example, if I posted "I like to eat...
  16. hipcat

    WTS Turnkey Starter Websites With Everything You Need To Make Money!

    I build simple, easy to run & maintain websites made for newbies so they have everything they need to succeed online. Includes: - Full Ecommerce Site in Evergreen Niche - Paypal Integrated - Includes Domain - Includes Hosting - Includes SSL - Includes My Personal Guidance - Full Support - Money...
  17. hipcat

    FREE $100 Google Adwords Coupon

    They keep sending me these things in the mail, even though I can't use them because it must be used on a new account and mine is several years old. Anyway, the latest one gives you free $100 advertising credit when you spend $25. First person to PM me gets the code. Enjoy your day! :)
  18. hipcat

    WTS Buy Unlimited Targeted Website Traffic For Low Prices!

    Do you need web traffic to your own website, affiliate link or opportunity? Of course you do!! All webmasters need a steady stream of visitors to gain exposure to their products and services, and we can help you! Your traffic campaign can even be targeted by the category and country YOU...
  19. hipcat

    WTS Video Creation Service For Your Website

    Every online marketer knows that having an engaging video on your website can gain your visitors attention, thus lowering your bounce rate and increase your conversion rate. Further, using an explainer video can help a visitor understand better what you are offering without the need to read a...
  20. hipcat

    Hello Fellow Webmasters!!

    Hi! My name is Dan (aka Hipcat) and my background has been in making a full time living online for the past 8 years. I started in affiliate marketing (mostly game guides) and eventually got into offering my own products and services. I joined WebmasterSun to offer advice to others, learn more...