8 Steps to SEO Using Social Media Effectively


To make effective seo in addition to creating regular content and backlink that is not enough, because now the search engines are interested in social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter it can help for seo work you become more special it easier also attract a number of users accessing your website so you will have the opportunity to reach their abundant customers

1. Choose an impressive name

You control a name so that it attracts and strange and a little towards the goals that you set. For example, you are doing seo services you can also associate the name as Seomaster or such Seopro you will have the opportunity to attract a huge traffic through these names

2. Make their information on Twitter impressive

To attract other people first as your information on Twitter impressive and strange than others, if your information too boring people hardly visit so be sure to focus on the profile of not necessarily you have to write lengthy simply quote or hobbies and a few of the advantages you

3. Always put the url in your profile information

According to the latest survey .There are more than 70% of a lot of people missed the website links located in your profile may also be because they are not paying attention but you are different you are an SEO expert you can not miss it, or in other words, there is always a link in your profile so that other people know and visit the website

4. To make use of Twitter to attract other access

Also your friends can take advantage of the functions of Twitter and send your email to others, even though they are strangers, but also can make you a substantial hits so do not include hours off chance that I could do and also according to the latest statistics, if you have 20000 followers you will have at least 10 people who will be loyal to the website and you can increase it regularly

5. Send page to introduce you to his friends and colleagues

You make the connection to friends and colleagues and to introduce new Twitter that you just set up, they are the most loyal people can visit you every day so you will have a fixed traffic

6. You must visit your regular Twitter

In fact, Twitter is like your stomach so if you do not want to give it ravenous, you must feed him regularly and reasonable means you have to visit your site often and have a few comments small it is necessary to make your site always so many people would love more

7. Take advantage of Twitter for your seo campaign

when you have finished writing you can send the link to so google will appreciate the links that the search engines nonetheless present are in favor of social networking so please take advantage of it when doing seo

8. Add Twitter and Facebook to add to your website

For your website more lively you can to the social network on your website such as Facebook or Twitter if both possible so when customers visit they will be impressed with a website is always connected and share with the community or our webmaster forum


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