9 effective ways to increase website traffic


Currently, the pull traffic to a site is extremely essential in website promotion. If your site design is beautiful, low traffic volume is really a pity. Here are some ways to increase website traffic for the most effective:

1. Use Social Bookmarking:

The regularly submit articles to the social bookmarking is a very necessary job. It not only helps to increase traffic to your website effectively not only that submit articles to the social bookmarking also helps you get a big quantity of quality backlinks.

2. Social bookmarking :


2. Provide RSS

Feedburner and FeedDemon are two addresses to help you initiate this service is quite good.

3. Use the account on the forums:

When participating in consultation fora such as: webmastersun.com forum, lyricsms.com, etc. … You can use the link below the put method signature can also be obtained Smoking is a no small amount of traffic. However, you should pay attention not to spam ads instead or writing copy for and attract readers. They see the visit, they will be interested in your website under the signature of more than click on the ads you spam and innocent and offensive to the reader, nick Band vulnerable, at risk of losing its entire ever article (since many forum when it is clear band nick of nick always post this)

4, SEO

Traffic sources from the Search Engine (Google especially) are great. You just imagine if you get a top of a hot keyword as “hot girl” or words such as “web design,” or “web promotion”, you rest assured that you will get a huge amount of traffic and quality amount. So do not forget to perform SEO for your site. If you do not have experience doing SEO, you should start from his SEO Ebook 2.0.

5. Comment on the site, blog related content:

This is a great way to increase traffic, but more often use a professional blogger. Just look for the blog, same subject site and make comments on the blog. Please note that absolutely no spam comment because this has now been banned because if google google for suffering as spam. Moreover if your comments are useful, people will regularly visit your website rather than comment spam because of this comment often will be deleted!

6. exchange links with other sites:

Exchanging links with other websites is an integral part in increasing website traffic and advertising. According to my personal opinion, you should exchange links with websites with the same topic or industry under the same field as this will easily make a lot more traffic to your website and achieve sales effectiveness. You should also pay attention to such factors as: age website, alexa ranking, google pagerank, etc. … of the site that you intend to exchange links. But to do this you need to have good relations with other webmasters.

7. Guest Blogging:

Guest Blogging means you send your articles to a Web site webmaster. If your post or they will post that article on their website and include a backlink to your blog at the end of the article. This is one way of website promotion is effective because of the traffic volume is very large well known websites. Just a small portion of the site and click on your link, you will have a lot more traffic then.

8. file sharing – video – ebook:

If you have the ability to do video, ebook, you can upload the large file-sharing sites like Youtube, Slideshare.net, Tailieu.vn, Mediafire … etc. You can set the watermark to the website address in your video, photo or link placed in the Description. Also named as xyz-file-crab-ban.com website is also a good idea. Then you can download the file sharing link on the forums, IM, facebook, twitter etc …

9. Join social networking sites:

This is one of the great ways to increase traffic to your website. Put your website link in their profile, Facebook, Twitter will help people know more of your website. Facebook sharing link mode is convenient, you can rely on it to make pretty good traffic. The strength of social networks is a very large number of users and the ability to connect the members is very high. So you can easily recommend your website to many people at once.


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