How to Attract More Advertisers to your Blog


How to Attract More AdvertisersIf you are developing or own a blog with a decent traffic then I am sure that you will want to have more advertisers come to your blog to buy services like banners, ebooks,..etc..but how do you attract more advertisers to your blog, just follow some the creative ways below:

1. Stick to a Specific Niche or Topic

This is one of the most basic points you must keep in mind. Don’t confuse the audience or advertisers, make sure you know exactly what your blog is about, so that it’s easier for everyone to gain from the information you provide. This will definitely help the advertisers reach their target audience with the specific and intended key messages. This is one of the major pull factors for attracting advertisers to your blog.

2. Make It Easy For Them To Reach You

Design your blog and site in such a way, that contacting you is a just a matter of a few clicks. Make it very easy for them to access the “Advertise with us” Page on your blog. Make it distinguishable and attractive. Let them know that you are willing to accept advertising and this should get you going. You could also specify your rates and suggest a few attractive schemes on this page. It is also important to make the title a graphical image or tab and to keep it above the fold, where it is visible to anyone accessing your blog.

3. Accept Advertising That is Relevant To Your Blog.

Don’t accept irrelevant and negative advertising, because it can affect your rating in the long run. If your blog is related to technology and mobiles, don’t have smiley ads and wallpaper ads. It will just add clutter your blog.

4. Showcase What You Have To Offer

If you don’t have advertisements at the moment, then the potential advertisers will not know what you have to offer. In such a situation you could simply place your own advertisements in the same space you would run a paid spot. The advertisement could be of the products you or your company owns. Whereas sometimes you could just leave it blank and add your contact details while specifying that you now offer this space for advertising purposes.

5. Try Using The Technique Of Adding Free Bonus Ads

This technique may seem expensive at first, but it has a lot of long term gains. What you essentially have to do is place a free advertisement for a product, service or company, this would create a favorable image of your blog, in the eyes of that company. It could also entice the competitors of that product to start advertising on your blog. You can ask them to help you measure the effectiveness of the campaign in return. It’s definitely worth a shot!

6. Know Your Audience And Showcase Them

Run regular surveys and try to understand your audience, you can also try getting more detailed stats from ComScore or Quantcast. You can use this information to attract advertisers by simply dividing your audience between male and female, you will gain the confidence of the advertisers. Because if you know your audience you can very much help the advertisers reach theirs. Other potentially useful information includes geographic, HHI, single/married, number of children and so on.

7. Showcase the Statistics Of Your Site.

If you have a good blog, it is a must to share your site’s statics and other important information. You could specify the unique visitors on a monthly basis and also measure the total number of impressions. Some other things that you could pay attention to are your Alexa Rank and Google PR status.

8. Let Them Get A Glimpse Of You

Clearly explain who you are and what your site or blog is all about. Educate them as to why you are an ‘authority’ on what you are writing about and why anyone should care about what you have to say. Let them understand the dynamics and potential of your blog.

9. Be Clean Clear And Precise. Let Them See Your Professionalism

Don’t make yourself look like a person with bare minimum knowledge. Let them know what you are good at, research before your indulge and be clear and transparent in your working. Set the rules and abide by them.

So there it is, the key to attracting potential advertisers to your blog with the basic yet most crucial points.


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