How to Choose A Good Web Hosting Company


 How To Choose A Good Web Hosting CompanyChoosing a web hosting company can be a difficult decision, a problem for web designers who have designed their website but need to find a suitable web-hosting provider. Many hosting companies offer attractive service packages but, even if you are a knowledgeable in this field,  You may still face some difficulty in choosing the ideal hosting provider because there are may different prices and plans that the vendors are offering.

What is your idea of a website hosting service provider to trust? It is clear that no vendor is ideal for everyone. Not one website hosting service is the right for everyone.

When asked to list the top 10 web hosting companies, the answer would be very different from one person to another. A web hosting provider will configure your website and will ensure that it can be accessed 24/7. Choosing a reliable supplier to ensure that the website can always be accessed is extremely important.

A website protected and maintained 24/7 would mean that your users trust your website address, resulting to increased access which leads to more traffic. Because of these reasons, I decided to make a list to help you in selecting the best website hosting.

1. Specifications

• The first thing that you need to consider before selecting a web hosting is to determine the storage capacity and the bandwidth that will suit your requirements. If your website has a large capacity, then large amounts of visitors would need access to the bandwidth and large storage space, you may need to have a Dedicated / VPS Hosting. If your site is quite small and with little traffic, you will be able to choose a smaller amount of space and bandwidth.

• Pay attention to the operating system to avoid trouble by ensuring it is compatible with the website.

• Reliability and availability are also important characteristics to consider when purchasing a web hosting service.

• Security must be considered as well. Features, such as firewalls, daily backups and user authentication should be considered as well.

2. Promotions

Never expect too much from promotions. They may have enticing offers upfront but be unable able to deliver on the features and support that you need in the future.

3. Payment and Support Options

Before you buy the hosting package, you need to consider the cost of upgrades because you may need to add new features and services as your site grows.

Support is clearly the most important factor. They must ensure professionalism with the ability to support 24/7/365. So, who could be the providers that you can choose?  Simple advice before selecting vendors is to email them to see their how fast or slow their response time is. If they respond immediately, mark them on your list as a provider of good support.

4. Price

Choosing web-hosting services based purely on price is a strategic mistake, a good supplier can offer packages based on your budget. Low prices are always very attractive, but not if it has limited space or bandwidth, you should compare prices with the value of the service.
Most people usually compare prices of one company to another. To make a wise decision, choose a reasonable price. Remember that with a low price you may sacrifice the quality of service.

5. Installation

Make sure that you find a hosting provider that has  post sales policies and support. Often the commitment is approximately 30 days but a handful allow up to 60 days. Check on the provider’s commitment in giving post sales support.

6. Systems and applications

Today, most web hosting companies provide platforms Linux or Windows applications on their servers. If the website is built on ASP, you will have to deploy it on Windows while PHP on Linux. In addition, you need to check the features such as good support for your website. If you are unsure, do not hesitate to ask via phone call or email.

7. Scalability, reliability and security

A good hosting provider may also depend on the ability to upgrade, connection reliability and interval stability for guaranteed virus and SPAM blocking. You should remember that all these standards are necessary to ensure that your website would work well. If the provider allows easy upgrade for any function, it is a great thing. Some providers serve upon the request of customers.

Overall, it depends on you. Make sure the provider can allow you to change the bandwidth, space, database and web email accounts easily when your website grows and needs expansion over time.

To examine the reliability of the company, see how many users have used or are using their service. You may also ask for recommendation and read reviews from these users.

Privacy is important and everyone needs it. The best way to choose a provider is to check on their antivirus programs and SPAM blocking ability, something to look into closely before your website is hacked with malicious codes and virus attacks.


Choosing a web-hosting provider depends on your requirements and choice. Because each system has different functions, you will need what is  appropriate for you. Remember website hosting flexibility when making the final choice.

Good luck!


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