How to Draw StumbleUpon Users into Your Blog


How to drive StumbleUpon Users into Your BlogNovice bloggers usually underestimate the strength for StumbleUpon to draw more traffic to their website or blog. Unlike delicious and digg, a particular brand does not need to be so much popular. Even a few votes can bring more readers to your website. StumbleUpon users can be described as notoriously fickle. As users flick through the TV cable channels, they flick through various websites also. Only user will decide either he wanted to stay on particular site or he wanted to leave away.

Channel surfing the Internet

The activity itself describes its meaning. We all flicked through cable channels waiting for something interesting to hold our attention. In the same way, users browse through multiple website to find one that can hold their attention. Only within two or three seconds, users decide either particular site worth their time or not.

Here are some tips to help you with engaging StumbleUpon Users into Your Blog:

Core mission – statement should be impressive

Core mission – statement is one or two lines description explaining users what your blog includes actually. It should be so much impressive and compelling that stumble user should be forced to click on your blog to read about it completely. It should be summarized form of complete content communicating much information in just few words.

Use powerful graphics animation or visual clues

Use powerful graphics element to explain about your blog’s content and concept. If your blog’s header include image about community of internet marketers, users can idea it is related to internet marketing forum. Here you can see lots of information has been communicated through a single image only.

Push engaging content inside fold area

The content inside fold area should be impressive before any scrolling on the screen. Stumble users quickly identify the value of content. It is not so difficult to give engaging content in the fold area. You should hire expert writer to complete this task. He will showcase your content in best possible way inside fold area or header image.

Be unique, be superior

You cannot judge the quality of content in just few seconds. People believe in realistic judgment worth their time. A generous or pretty unique content compels stumble users to stick around and only one or two votes can decide quality of your content.

Obviously a good blog design has several quality parameters. Only a good writer knows how to make your blog more interesting and ready to market. Use unique color schemes or design patterns. Only a few changes in blog design can make it more powerful and even impressive too.

The above parameters certainly make it clear what should be included inside a blog and what should be avoided. When these parameters are used in precised way it will help you to draw more StumbleUpon Users into Your Blog and transform most of the stumbles into potential readers. This was only one of popular internet marketing techniques. To know more on internet marketing and strategies stay tuned with us and our expert team on Webmaster Sun.


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