How to Write Your First eBook and Selling It Online


How To Write Your First EBook And Selling It OnlineIn this digital era it is possible for people to attain information in an instant. Consequently, an electronic book ( eBook ) has gradually become popular because of its transmission features, easy storage, and affordability.
So, why should you not write an e-book and sell it off to make a little profit?

Here, we will highlight some important points to writing an ebook and sell it for profit.

Step 1 – Select the subject

Prioritize a topic that you love and have a good knowledge in to capitalize on it. Think about your experience, talents and skills to guide people correctly. Remember that the books written on the how-to format are often the bestsellers. For instance, if you are a professional blogger then a good idea would be to write on the subject of “How To Start A Blog And Make Money Online

Step 2 – List the main ideas

You can write ebooks if you have the experience on doing a specific subject in high or college, for instance. After selecting your theme, you should begin to outline the main ideas for the ebook in a logical order. A good idea is to record the daily manual ( or diary ) for several weeks before writing.

Step 3 – Carry out a few small studies

You need to have the data to support their ideas. Search the internet for articles or websites that can help to write your ebook. You can also look for additional sources of data to support such as forums or blogs with content related to the subject you write. Remember to save the links for later use.

Step 4 – Start writing

Use Microsoft Word or similar software, you do not necessarily spend money to buy expensive eBook software. The length of the book is arbitrary, but do not forget that the reader wants to capture information in a quick manner. Based from the example of above “How To Start A Blog And Make Money Online”, the author can write more books such as those to explain how to write blog in different but related fields, such as,  affiliate marketing, social media, SEO, etc..

Step 5 – Adding images to the book

If you can, use your own images. For example, internet marketers want to show their products or services with attractive pictures. In order to do this,  a little knowledge about Photoshop or other graphics software is needed. You can also use free pictures on the internet or those scanned from magazines. Pictures will help your ebook look livelier and more attractive to readers.

Step 6 – Convert your books to PDF format

There are many sites that help you do this such as PDFonline. Converting to PDF will help you retain the copyright to the ebook.  PDF files are easy to send through email or download and they also look more professional.

Step 7 – Promote and begin selling books

You can also combine writing and business promotion. You can add a link to the website “advertising” programs, blogs or online products. Give a free eBook to reader so that he or she will know the path to visit. Eventually, they may become your customer.

Step 8 – Selling your eBook

Many ebooks are free to download. By promoting through the internet to those most in need of information provided in your ebook, you can earn large amounts of money.

Here are a few ways to market your book and sell it:

– Sell your ebook on Amazon, eBay or other platforms.
– Let people read a version of free ebooks and then give them a paid version with complete information.
– Divide your ebook content into reports, and then give the reader the option to buy only the portion containing the information they want.
– You can offer at half price to read half of your ebook, and then they can pay in total if they want to read the entire book.
– Add your ebook into online news.
– Promote ebooks via social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+.

Use this knowledge to start writing an ebook and make money online from it, If you have new ideas about this, don’t hesitate to share with me so I can learn, too.


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