Link out (External link) helps the website higher ranking ?


You often hear external links (inbound links – links to other websites) is not good for the website. But the fact is that if you create the design in addition to the right way will help your site rank better. WebmasterSun will point out a few reasons why create good external links to the website:

In terms of logic to link to other websites will make the site links will be inherited Authority Pagerank of your site. But Google has a lot of algorithms related links next pagerank algorithm (published more than 400 algorithms). Google just announced details with webmasters only.

However, Experts believe that one of the factors to see a reliable website called trust rank (rank reliability), trust rank is calculated based on the number of adjacent (inbound links) and joint outside. The idea of this algorithm was first developed by Yahoo, but Google is the application of the most successful algorithms.

So how this algorithm works? Some website “seed” trust rank is 100%, the algorithm will determine how many links from other sites seed this link to your website, it applies the principle of transfer of trust from near to far, ie link farther website “seed” would trust diminishes. The algorithm uses the number of outbound links and inbound links on your site for the calculations, because the spammers do not link to non-spam sites as usual. From there you can see the obvious benefits of high-quality links to other websites.

Of course, there are many benefits from links to other sites. When you create links with other websites to make sure that a few of them a link to your website. In this case, we take a positive exchange links with websites related to your field, or the site of their colleagues, restrict links to web pages that they never linked to you (for example: Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter …)

Conclusion : External links can help your site rank better, but essentially good site trust is paramount when creating external links (exchange links). Let link to the website with the same trust level or higher, to make sure that your site is always in the network with high trust websites.

So how to know a reliable website? A website has good ranking for a competitive keyword, which is one of the suitable website to exchange links. By the fact that if the website has good ranking, it was Google believes the site. If a site has good rankings, it’s a sign that Google may be classified site to the trusted sites list. There is another factor to evaluate trust rank of a website’s pagerank, link to the site pagerank is equivalent to your site or higher.

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