Meta Keyword Optimization


Although called Meta Keywords Optimization, but this is the least important part of SEO. Similar to the Meta Description, this is one hidden card, the user will not see the content of the Meta Keywords, Meta Keyword use search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing … Meta Keyword contains one list of keywords, be separated by a comma “,”. Today, the search engines do not pay much attention to Meta Keyword, but you should not miss this Meta Keyword for possible later


While designing web, every website should make a list about 10 keyword, the keyword separated by a comma “,”. Do not repeat too many times the keyword, you should also make sure that the keyword list between the web page is completely different. If your keyword lists are the same between the web page, you will be Google the error Duplicate Content, so you would lose rank in search results.

Have more websites provide you with one free service to analyze the Page Title, Meta Description, Keyword pretty good. Just enter the website address you need to analyze. After clicking the submit button, the website will return a breakdown analysis for you. Expected results, you can edit the Page Title, Meta Description and Keyword to match Google, Yahoo, Bing …

Those Tools also always load time analysis of the content of your web page too. The web page but the amount is too large often time-consuming to load the entire contents up, this can make users frustrated and off your site.


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