Search results

  1. Vignesh

    How to get the business leads

    Business leads is not easy. Need to satisfy the customer. Do basic seo technique. B2B listing in Pepagora. Pepagora helps lot in business leads. Try to join in Pepagora freely and it will automatically generate leads
  2. Vignesh

    How to marketing for my website

    Marketing your site is some what easy. Because we have Social media like FB, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.. And you can do B2B Listing in Pepagora. Pepagora is the largest b2b marketplace. You can see so many buyers and sellers there. You can join freely. And do basic seo work also, it also increase...
  3. Vignesh

    How Social Bookmarking works?

    Social Bookmarking helps lot in traffic generation. Some of the social bookmarking sites are Stumble, reddit, youmob, etc.
  4. Vignesh

    Best Ways to promote your website?

    Social Media marketing is one of the best way to promote our website.. B2B marketing also some good way. some b2b portals are Pepagora, alibaba, etc..
  5. Vignesh

    Difference between Lead and Sale?

    In my point of view, Lead is getting enquiry and sale is use that enquiry to sell our products or business to the clients. For eg. Pepagora is the b2b business portal that generate enquiries for a company that is lead. And that company use the opportunity and sell their products to that customer...
  6. Vignesh

    Referral traffic and Direct traffic

    I am also suggest referral is more better than direct. We are work for the page ranking, we can get more backlinks than direct.
  7. Vignesh

    Are you Really Paying for Your Traffic?

    Regular update and unique content will get you more traffic without pay. You can pay for within short duration, need more traffic. But it is harmful, it may affect your regular traffic.