sell domain

  1. minhhai125

    Can I sell a domain on my own landing page?

    I think some people here sell their domain on their own landing pages. But how does the process work? I mean I may need a landing page, right? Then a middleman like escrow... But of course I know I will miss the exposure of other marketplaces but I want to see my options. Any idea?
  2. jitendrasurve

    WTS PR3 domain - $129 negotiable

    This domain has a good history. This is a old domain with 7-8 years. This domain was used for a website in USA focused on bob proctor philosophy. I had purchased this domain because of good backlinks. Also it is a clean domain which can easily converted to any niche. It's a PR3 domain. I would...
  3. jitendrasurve

    WTS Selling Digital Prefix Domain

    Hi All, I want to sell domain related to web design, graphic design and seo. I had around 50 articles on it. Due to other commitments I closed my blog. Domain: Page Rank: 1 Submitted on major directories Facebook page with 901 likes: