So during the first month i got around 800 impressions on my blog but as soon as the second month kicked in, the impressions dropped to like just 0-1 impression per day. could SEO be the reason for that? i am already doing the best SEO according to my understanding.
I want to start to learn the basics of SEO. I’m 20 and I look heavy into this. Also got a app where Iearn HTML but i’m sure i’ll need to get deeper. I can’t afford to pay for a website so if anyone has one and wouldn’t mind ranking please let me know
Would you like to attract more traffic to your website?
Earn more affiliate commissions, generate more leads
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If your answer is yes, then you know how vital it is for you to have interesting and authoritative content on your website. If the content on your...
Hi Team, I am new in seo prcoess.. I have some doubts. currently, I have updated my WordPress website title, description, keywords in march month, but still not updated on google why... it automatically fetch my webpage content .. any reasons...
Hi everyone,
If I do off-page activities on my website like submission so what is the criteria of submission and how many submissions can I do in number?
Maintaining a blog is no longer just an artist’s passion; in fact, it has become an essential tool for every business today as by curating quality content on your website, you can empower your website’s SEO as well.