
  1. hipcat

    Why Spamming Does Not Work

    As a moderator here at Webmastersun, I see a LOT of spamming....daily....especially now that AI generated posts are the spammer tool of choice, but I can never understand why. It just doesn't work, and fills the internet with low quality crap that serves no real value. For example, a few...
  2. netyaz0001

    How to Identify and Remove Subscribers Who Have Marked Your Emails as Spam

    I am running email campaigns using Google Workspace. In the beginning, I get great open rates of 30%, 50%, and 60%. However, after sending 3 or 4 emails to the same list, the rate drops to 1-2% because someone has put me in the spam folder. I want to know who has put me in spam so that I can...
  3. netyaz0001

    What is the best way to avoid spam ??

    I have a new domain that is 6 months old. Now the reputation of my domain has decreased. When I send multiple emails, all of them go to spam. But when I send 5 or 6 emails, they go to the inbox. My question is what is the best way to avoid spam? Is it better to send 5 emails every 20 minutes...
  4. muhammadahmad

    My Website is Hit by Google Spam Update Dec 2022

    Hey, SEO Gurus, my website was hit by a google spam update; keywords that were ranking in the top position are now downgrading to the 2nd page. Can you please help me with how I can recover them?
  5. emilyjohnson

    How to decrease spam score of website ?

    I have a site named perfect essay with a spam score of 43%, kindly pitch me some good ideas about how to decrease the spam score?
  6. Nish

    My IP's have been blacklisted

    Hi guys, Some of my IP's have been blacklisted. I've no clue as to how this happened. Is there anything I could do now?? Are my IP's gone? Is there a wayto white-list my IPs? Could someone please help.