Relevant backlinks refer to links built from relevant webpages with the same niche and with good authority. This helps to build high quality backlinks for your website and your backlinks receive greater link juice for your keyword rankings. Avoiding link farms, duplicate contents and webpages with irrelevant backlinks are some of the major criteria to build high quality relevant backlinks for your website.
Competitor analysis can get the ball rolling. Pop the top ranked sites in your niche into a back link checker (most have free trial versions) and see what links they have
Search for the forums, directories and blogs which are in your niche. I think this would be enough to build your back links. You can start with guest posting, listing your business in niche directories and start to post about your services in the relevant forums. Apart from these strategies, you can look around the sites in your niche and request to submit a press release about your product or service.
I stopped building backlinks since months ago even one year ago but websites are getting keywords on top search. Some websites didn't do backlinks even get better results than websites have backlinks.
Finding relevant Backlinks is a good way to incease SEO for your website but it will consume you more time and money as SEOpub suggested
Beg for them, buy them, or build them. Those are your three options.
Best way to have relevant backlinks or good backlinks are let everyone do them for you this covers more techniques and you will have real experience when doing on your real websites or learning from big websites on the web!