Hey everyone. I was just wondering how could you get sales on Amazon with my blog? My blog has a decent amount traffic daily but just a few dollars with Adsense and hardly to have clicks to my Amazon store or Amazon banner on my blog. Could you share me any recommendations about how to make this better or tips about what you have done to actually make sales and it worked?
If you aren't getting any clicks to Amazon then it is most likely because your blog post and/or blog in general does not attract traffic that is interested in the products being shown to them in the Amazon ads.
A lot of people think that you can build a blog about any old topic and then show them Google Adsense ads and Amazon affiliate links and/or other affiliate links to every day products that common people use. But it doesn't work like that. Only a tiny (completely insignificant) percentage of visitors will click on your ads unless the visitors are in a mental state where they are more likely to click on ads and the ads that are presented to them are ads that they find interesting.
For example, if you get traffic to a post on your blog from people searching for "how to roast a chicken" and your Amazon ads are showing people links to books about how to become a chef then you might expect those Amazon ads to get some clicks. But they won't. That traffic isn't targeted enough.
However, if you are getting traffic to your post on your blog from people searching for "Learn how to become a chef" and those same ads are showing books about how to become a chef then you are more likely to get some clicks.
Now what if you got traffic for people searching for "best book about learning to become a chef"? If you got traffic from those keywords and your blog post actually explained which book is the best book and you had an affiliate link to that book on Amazon, then you are going to get a high percentage of clicks. The keyword volume for a search like that will be very, very low; but the conversions will be higher. Ideally you want to find keywords that have reasonable volume that are also good targets for people who are more likely to want to click on an ad or click on an affiliate link.
Whether or not you get clicks all depends on how well targeted your traffic is, whether or not that person is in shopping mode (looking for something to buy) and how well the advertisements target that person. If any of those things is out of whack, then you don't get very many clicks. That is true for both Adsense ads and Amazon ads and any other affiliate links.