This is a age old question... "How much should I charge?" The answer here to that question, is another question in of itself.. What are you worth? There is what's called the Cost plus model, a determination of how many hours a job will take, then multiplying by your hourly rate and then adding a percentage 10 to 20% ( or more ) on top of that number. The obvious factor here is knowing how long something takes. First starting out, and the answer to that may not be so simple. having done something for a while and you have at the very least an idea, you can make a very close estimation. Lets make some quick clarification here... If you are going to charge a client by the hour you work, you no longer are a freelancer, you are a "Contractor"... and if like fiverr or freelancer you are charging by the job, then you are indeed a "Freelancer" There is another category here to consider. "Consultant" this is a totally different ball game. No longer is the VALUE placed on you by you, but the Value is determined on what your services are worth to the client. So the contrast would look something like this. I can build that site in 20hrs and will charge you X dollars ( we can say $80 an hour for a total of $1600 ). OR If you current site is producing $5000 a month and the changes I am proposing would increase that value by 400% ( $20,000 ) isn't $5000 a fair price? So you have just increased YOUR bottom line from $1600 to $5000 doing the exact same amount of work.