How to increase sales for an eBook?


New member
Mar 11, 2014
I have an ebook and I'd like to know ways to increase sales for it?
What are your recommended ways?
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New member
Jan 22, 2015
I sell my books via email marketing and one thing I realised throughout the years is that people will never buy from you if they don't trust you and through trial and error I found that a great way to build trust online is through video. When I keep sending my email subscribers videos of pure 98% content and 2% selling. When I say selling I'm talking about something like:

... if you enjoyed this video then you'll really love my book, TITLE OF BOOK. It will show you all the steps to... and I highly recommend it for you, click the link/button below to download your copy. OK see again tomorrow with another video about...
This is how I end my videos.

When I send my subscribers content, I send them really good strategies that they can apply immediately not theory or trick them with fluff content to encourage them to buy the book. So make sure you're sending your subscribers top quality stuff. It doesn't have to be videos, it can be audio, infographic or simply plain text.

Just make sure that your subscribers get exclusive content that is not available for the public (via a simple secret blog with 1 banner for your book below each post), and let them know that the content is exclusive. Make them feel special, that's another way to build trust.

Even though most subscribers will buy from the banner or text link on the blog, some don't. So I don't only send content emails, I also do pitch the book once in a while (usually after 2 or 3 days of pure content). But my pitches (sales email for the book) are different from what most people do. A lot of people will send content then pitch the book, send more content and pitch the book for about 14 days most.

Which will work but to ensure that you get more sales then add expiring bonus material with every pitch you send. For instance:

Everyone who buys the book today will get:
1. 20 to 30 minutes skype call or google hangout
2. Exclusive workshop with...
3. Premium account...

Once you've purchased your book, send me your proof of payment so that I can send you the bonus material and arrange a skype call for you. Act fast because these bonuses won't be available in the next 48 hours.
Add whatever bonus material you want.

Most people never even send me their proof of payment to claim their bonuses, which still puzzles me because they only send me positive testimonials. But what I figured out is that pitch emails with no expiring bonus don't convert well. So use your bonuses wisely and don't give subscribers all the bonus stuff at once, save the best for the stubborn ones :DD:

Some people will not buy from the banner neither on the first pitch so you have to pitch to them a couple of times till they can buy the book. So each pitch email should have different and better bonus material than the one you sent before, usually you'll need to pitch 3 or 4 times to someone before they can buy, that's if you're sending them good content and they trust you.

Make sure you segment your list, to separate buyers from freebie seekers, also active and non active subscribers. Don't be afraid to promote other people's products as an affiliate to your email list. If they trust you and find your content valuable they will buy the stuff you recommend.

You can also try things like Joint Venture or affiliate marketing for your book as well. Hope that helps, but that's what I do and it works great.


New member
Nov 13, 2015
Make a website, Make promotional video and share it on ebook sites.

Give 10 free trial or allow to read first 10 to 20 pages without charging anything.


New member
Nov 19, 2015
I've found that posting the eBook to a website, such as forum site/selling site, will often get you the most increment in sales.


Nov 21, 2015
build your list

I am having an ebook and I'd like to know ways to increase sales for it?
What are your recommended ways?
Go create and optimize a website related to your ebook. Create squeeze page, find a way to drive traffic to your page. Offer a complimentary value content
that fits your ebook. Then do email marketing to sell your ebook from time to time.


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
I realize this is an older post, but I just had to add my 2¢ for anyone else seeing it for the first time...

I know you're looking for the best way to SELL your ebook, so I am not sure if what I am about to present will even be worth your time reading, but, I'd strongly urge you to read it anyways and consider the possibilities.

I have been creating and selling ebooks for many years now. I have also sold tons of ebooks which I have received PLR rights to and, I have even converted many PLR ebooks into brandable ebooks, so, I do know a thing or two...

A strategy I see that works well is to load your ebook with subtle affiliate links (making certain that they are in-line with the topic at hand). Then, simply give your ebook away and let your readers give the ebook away as well (either as a straight give away or even resell it for a price). The revenue you'd make from flat out sales will more than be covered by what you could earn from affiliate commissions, especially if you're ebook ends up going viral.

Once your ebooks receive enough downloads and you receive ample followers, within your next ebook(s), you could sell ad space. (using paid ad links instead of affiliate links - or better yet, offer paid ads to the same products that you are an affiliate for -- earning twice (once from the paid ad and then from each sale of the product/service))

You could also turn your ebook into a brandable version, and selling the brandable version. The brandable version would of course allow the buyer/reader to substitute YOUR affiliate links with their own -- or even every other link, so that you are still earning affiliate commissions as well.

I have converted many ebooks into brandable versions, and have created and/or sold thousands of ebooks throughout my time online, dating back to when the internet was pretty much BBS (remember those, lol).

If that doesn't appeal to you, I would strongly urge you to create a separate FREE version which just SOME of the best info, but, even with the info you're revealing, do not reveal too much. Create a version with a ton of "snips" from the full version, and even within those snippets, blank the most vital information out. This will turn the window shoppers into buyers, those are truly interested anyways.

Once you've got your "give away" version ready to go, do not just allow people to download it. Use an opt-in form to require them to subscribe to your mailing list (but do not call it a mailing list -- it's your "Update Notification List" -- that converts better).

Once you have a mailing list, er, I mean "update notification list", you can then "notify" your subscribers of other products or services you think might interest them as well. i.e. if your ebook is about bass fishing, you could then promote another fishing related book or fish tracking software or whatever...

No matter what you do, sell of give it away, make sure you build a list (either a freebie-seeker list or a buyers list -- obviously a buyers list is much better) as these are people who have already shown an interest in your product(s) and are more likely to take action on your next product as well...

Another idea, if your ebook is pretty lengthy, is to turn it into a membership based access where you'd release one chapter at a time, 1 per month, week or every other day. You could easily set up a system using Wordpress or even Aweber (or any blog and/or mailing list service for that matter).

Another idea, to help build a "sales funnel" would be to record someone reading the ebook and then offer the MP3 as an upsell or if you know how to create slideshow presentations, create a video with each page as text and make it a "follow along" video type of presentation.

Another idea: Have you considered selling it on Amazon, or through one of the many affiliate networks (clickbank, jvzoo, zaxaa, paydotcom, etc.). If you're willing to give away a decent enough amount of the proceeds to affiliates, and the ebook is on a popular enough topic, you'd be surprised at how quickly
your sales could skyrocket with hundreds, even thousands, of affiliates promoting it for you.

Another idea: Turn your PDF ebook (a teaser version of course) into an exe version and give it away on the thousands of "software giveaway" sites (cnet, download .com, etc.). I've done this dozens of times myself and it always helps increase awareness which always results in more sales.

I could go on for days and days with tons more info, but I already feel myself getting way off topic, so, I will end with what I have so far...

One final note though, there are literally hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of ways to increase your sales. You just need to think outside the box a little.

If you'd like more ideas, or even some assistance or clarification on anything I wrote above, please feel free to send me a PM and let me know.

(hope this wasn't too lengthy or too off topic. if so, i apologize)


New member
Jan 15, 2016
I would research your books niche...

A few keys when doing traffic...:)
1. Who is my ideal prospect?(Gender, Age, Marital Status, etc..)
2. What is their specific problem ( traffic, debt, health, etc ..)
3. Where can I find them? ( Groups, Common Interests, Who are the celebrities in this specific niche?)

Then run a few test paid ads on Bing ads


New member
Jul 15, 2015
Here is what I normally do:

1) Define who the audience is for my book
2) Create a small blog with blog posts on it that will naturally attract that audience
3) Figure out what other websites people in that audience are visiting frequently
4) Go to those websites and (either join them and participate or buy advertising there) let the audience know the blog exists and my book exists

That's about it. I don't recruit affiliates. I don't do much else.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Create a funnel for it where you properly introduce yourself, your story and your ideas. It will help you to gain trust by potential clients and is commonly getting underestimated a lot. Videos and pictures can also help, apparently you should always consider showing proof that your techniques work. For the people who have no interest in your offer at the moment, give them at least a preview maybe so that if they like your work, they can easily come back to purchase from you. This is important, since otherwise you lose all of that momentum. Though if you offer them a quick preview-download, all of them would have been given a little reminder of your offer.
Thanks for your advice, I will follow these tips.

2) Create a small blog with blog posts on it that will naturally attract that audience
This way is common that internet marketers are applying on their site but now 2017 I am seeing people like using one landing page and offering all their ebooks there.
For driving traffic, they use banner ads and other paid ads to increase sales.
Maybe I will try this way on one my site.
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