Finally Make Money Online

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
I do not claim to be a guru or expert. I learn new things every day. I only talk from experience. And these are only my opinions.

So, here's what I've learned over the years that "can" increase your chance of success online.

Plus what I've seen and heard others doing or not doing.

Don't Complicate it - I see SO many people over-complicate this simple process, and then they get overwhelmed and often quit or give up.
It's not rocket science.

Have something to sell. People to sell it to. Sales Copy/Advertisement.

Done. Period. End of story.

Why does it need to be more complicated?

Too many people make it into more than it has to be.

Sure there can be a few more things to it, but that is the very basic formula that works. Has worked for many years. Before the net was even a thought. It works every day for the people who play ads on your radio or television, or place ads in the newspaper. Even the annoying and increasing ads on video's.

Get back to the basics.

Do Something You At Least Kind of Like - Building a business is not always going to be happy, happy, joy, joy every day. Some of the things you will need to do will be boring, mind numbing or time consuming.

I am only saying, maybe skip some of those things that you just hate to do.

Years back article marketing use to be the hot promotional method. While I enjoy writing, I just couldn't get into the swing of writing tons of articles all the time. So I never really did much with it. I still had traffic and made money.

Now, I am not saying you need to use this to make excuses or make up reasons not to do anything. Just saying, you don't always have to do everything the guru's tell you.

And there will be times you need to buckle down and get it done, whether you like it or not.

Finish What You Started - If you don't finish something, get it out there or promote it, how much money will it make you? Zero. Zilch. Nada.

We've all been there. Few of us finish everything we start. I'm guilty the same as everyone else.

But the more projects you finish and promote, the more success you'll find. It's almost guaranteed.

Funny, some folks who don't finish something will go so far as to say "it doesn't work". Okay... ya it defiantly won't work if it's not done. Don't be that guy.

Promote, Promote and Promote some more - When I use to do websites for offline businesses, I always gave them the same analogy... A website is like a store in the woods. No one will find it until you build roads to it. Or get people talking about it or telling others.

The experts will say 80% of your time should be spent on promotion. I have to agree it sounds like a good idea. Almost every time I've worked hard at promoting, it's come back. Might not even be right away, sometimes it comes back to you later.

Here's something to think about:

Multiple streams of traffic + Multiple streams of income = Greater more reliable success.

For example...

I can tell you from firsthand experience that SEO does not last forever. I don't care what the SEO guru's say, you won't keep your ranks forever.

There might be some exceptions to that rule, but very few. Not saying you shouldn't do SEO, of course you should. Just don't make it your only source of traffic.

I've made the mistake of relying too much on search engine traffic. It's come back to bite me TOO many times.

I've also have profitable traffic sources dry up over night.

If you're doing this net thing for a living, as your main source of cash, it could be a rude and defeating awakening.

Same goes for income sources. They can and sometimes do vanish, stop paying you or keep your money. Hate to be negative, but it's a fact. Sure it's rare, but if all your eggs are in one basket and the bunny hops off with it, you're out of luck.

You'll have much less up and down if you diversify.

Test, Test, Test - Did I say test?

It amazes me, how many people don't track and test their ads. Bloggers are bad for this. They just slap up an banner and it's like.. whatever.

Let's face it... it can be tough to get traffic. Really tough sometimes.

So it's only in our best interest to make the most of what we do get. Squeeze as much from the hits we do get.

There's no excuse these days. Ad or banner tracking and rotation scripts and plugins are all over the place.

Even small improvements here and there can make a big difference to your pay pal balance.

I think most people would be shocked to know how low performing their ads really are.

How much money are you losing?

Okay, That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)

Rambled enough.

What do you have to say? Anything to add? Speak up...


Jan 24, 2015
Nice post, Ron Killian!

Do Something You At Least Kind of Like - Building a business is not always going to be happy, happy, joy, joy every day. Some of the things you will need to do will be boring, mind numbing or time consuming.
I agree with you about this, doing business sometimes makes you boring or vice will feel happy and enjoy it if you get more sales from your really need efforts from websites owners.

Years back article marketing use to be the hot promotional method. While I enjoy writing, I just couldn't get into the swing of writing tons of articles all the time. So I never really did much with it. I still had traffic and made money.
I like this and sure you are succeeding with your website if you do less but get more money with it... I don't want to spend too much time for which that don't give me good revenue while spent works on it.

Finish What You Started - If you don't finish something, get it out there or promote it, how much money will it make you? Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Yeh..but if I could not finish a thing i started, should leave it and come to new things that get more potential than old ones? or continue till finish it?

The experts will say 80% of your time should be spent on promotion.
80% seems too much, 20 percents you can use to improve your services or products? I don't think this is exact.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that SEO does not last forever. I don't care what the SEO guru's say, you won't keep your ranks forever.
Google algos are always changed and of cource we can not maintain positions on search engines results but I think it still works in any cases.

Test, Test, Test - Did I say test?
Always do this, I tried ads on different platforms and some worked but some are not.

I don't think this is a post for "Finally Make Money Online", it looks like an overview about experience in promoting, analyzing and increasing your chances of success in online marketing.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Yeh..but if I could not finish a thing i started, should leave it and come to new things that get more potential than old ones? or continue till finish it?
As I said, as we all know, unfinished projects don't do us any good, so yes of course you need to finish one before you move on to another.

You won't know the potential of new or old ones if you don't finish any at all. Right?

80% seems too much, 20 percents you can use to improve your services or products? I don't think this is exact.
Huh? How can you have too much promotion? That not good business sense. Of course it's not exact, just a rough guide. The point is that promotion should be what you do the most of. You could have the best products or services in the world, but if you don't promote them enough, you probably won't make much.

Google algos are always changed and of cource we can not maintain positions on search engines results but I think it still works in any cases.
My point was, it's not guaranteed, you can't count on it 100% for the rest of time. It could be gone in a day and your business along with it.

I don't think this is a post for "Finally Make Money Online", it looks like an overview about experience in promoting, analyzing and increasing your chances of success in online marketing.
Well, it is a free forum post :) Not meant to be a complete guide. Was meant to inspire, motivate, get people un-stuck, get them to maybe look at things a little differently.
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