Brainstorming for a niche blog


Active member
Feb 9, 2013
Hey all,

I want to start a niche blog and I've been trying to determine with my background and expertise what that might be. I like blogs for generating money

Here's my brainstorming for topics and here's what I've come up with:

Make money online blog




Information technology

Wordpress tips

Web hosting

Android apps

I don't know which is the best for starting a blog and making money with it. Any thoughts?


New member
Nov 25, 2015
I think that one of the most important things is to make sure that you choose a niche that you know a lot about and like. If you are blogging about something you know about it will be a lot easier. If the niche is something that you like and are interested in then it's going to be easier for you to keep interest in the blog.

What things do you know a lot about and are very interested in?

Answer that and that's probably going to be the best choice for you.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Some people say you should stay away from high competition niches, because of, well all the competition. But another train of thought is that because there is so much competition, there is alot of money to be made. (usually)

ulterios has a good idea, going with what you know, but that can be tough sometimes as what you know may not be highly profitable, or profitable enough for you.

Yes, try to get into something that at least interests you, you can also learn as you go. Actually, MANY people have become highly successful going the route of, "follow me" as I learn, case studies, ect. I think it's because they seem more like real people and probably more like the people that follow them. If that makes sense.

Another way is to look for sidedoors into bigger niches. Say low comp keywords for bigger niches. Or sub niches of a bigger niche.

Like ulterios said, depends on you. Hard to say to much.


Active member
Feb 9, 2013
I think that one of the most important things is to make sure that you choose a niche that you know a lot about and like. If you are blogging about something you know about it will be a lot easier. If the niche is something that you like and are interested in then it's going to be easier for you to keep interest in the blog.

What things do you know a lot about and are very interested in?
Excluding Dating niche, I am interested in all niches above and having knowledge with them.

Some people say you should stay away from high competition niches, because of, well all the competition. But another train of thought is that because there is so much competition, there is alot of money to be made. (usually)
Exactly I thought about that and suppose that I may choose a bigger niche that more competitor than choosing small niche, a niche with high competition can work for long term and earning better if it succeed.


New member
Nov 25, 2015
Well then, if you are knowledgeable in all of them the two that I have seen people get more successful in are the Gaming and Android niches. If you like one more than the other then I would say go with that choice.


New member
Jul 15, 2015
Hey all,

I want to start a niche blog and I've been trying to determine with my background and expertise what that might be. I like blogs for generating money

Here's my brainstorming for topics and here's what I've come up with:

Make money online blog
Information technology
Wordpress tips
Web hosting
Android apps

I don't know which is the best for starting a blog and making money with it. Any thoughts?
I suggest that you go deeper into any one of those categories and try to identify specific problems you can help people solve. (Real problems that you can offer real solutions for)

Then build a site that solves one of those problems for people. Then build a different site that solves another one of those problems.

Don't build the old school type of niche website where you just publish a bunch of articles all somewhat related to the same category. (And then hope you can get traffic that you can monetize.) That isn't a very good business model. You will struggle to get enough targeted traffic that you can monetize effectively. Those kinds of sites are good sources of links, but they are generally not good sites to monetize.

Instead, do some research to see what kinds of problems people are having. Find a way to solve one of the more important problems. Then build an authority site that helps people solve that problem.

If you do that, then you will have a website that attracts traffic naturally. It will be highly targeted traffic that will convert extremely well if you make the right offer to it.


New member
Dec 10, 2015
Making Money Online - Is a great idea if you know some basics on how to make at least small amounts of money online. It is but a competitive niche in which you need to work really hard to gain trust for your site(just think about how many sites are scams).

Gaming- Difficult to get in and it is dangerous if you make the wrong people angry (like feminists or Social Justice Warriors, they will try to ruin your site and doxxe you if you review positively a game they deem sexists or racist). Extremely competitive niche that is constantly evolving (News>Reviews>Let's Plays> Streams and so on).

Dating- Is competitive but could work if you also add videos I think.

As PTTed said you should do more in depth research in the category you feel the most knowledgeable in. This would make your task easier and also look to write about something you like because I think the genuine feeling that your writings bring to the reader will ensure you a good following of your blog :)


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Choose the niche or topic which you are passionate about and have some excellent knowledge. This will help you to put 100% of yourself.


New member
Jan 6, 2016
Make money online blog
Information technology
Wordpress tips
Web hosting
Android apps
The first thing you want to do is look at your list and think about where in the buying process you would be entering the niche. Using "WordPress Tips" as the example that stands out... Tips are great.. tips are used by people that are using WordPress and looking for advice to make their site better, and work better... are you seeing where in the buying cycle this is? This is in the back end or "Support" portion of the buyers cycle.

Web Hosting.. I really would not call this a niche.. this is an add on type o thing to a niche you are in. IF you were to select WordPress tips.. then a natural side affiliate program would be hosting.

Then you get into looking at potential income.. I would write writing off.. we all know what to be authors are broke! LOL

Android apps.. start looking at some of the affiliate programs out there for this had better have a ton of traffic.

I am not going to say dating is saturated.. because saturated is usually a good thing.. I will say that it would be difficult to create a unique perspective to stand out from the competition.

So out of the list you are kind of left with IT. Web Hosting is IT.. so that could be one source of revenue. So the question then becomes..... <drum roll> How deep can you target with IT.. what micro niche can you pull out of your... left cerebral cortex has an amount of interest on your part... and the product or need to supply answers? I will throw out some examples I have run with in the past. Drones ( still a hot topic, plenty of product.. with all the new state laws plenty of content possibilities) would be easy to pull authority here.

3-D printers.. hot hot. The units are not that cheap, and either is the mid to top end software to run the things. If you really have an interest in this, think CONTENT. when I say content I mean already done for you plots so a person can download and print. I honestly can say i dont think I have seen much of this in the market space.

But those would be examples... I consider them micro'd down quite a bit, but there is huge audience availability in those - among others.

And saving the best for last... If you are stepping into Internet Marketing for the first time... PLEASE dont get into making money online.... How can you tell others how.. if you havent?


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
Thank you, thank you and THANK YOU! I am so glad someone else had
the gaul to say it as I was just getting ready to. One of my biggest pet
peeves is when someone tries to teach other how to do something that
they themselves are not, have not or can not do themselves.

@CyberAlchemist, that comment was NOT geared specifically towards you
personally, I do not know you, nor do I know anything about you, but, usually,
when someone asks a "what should I..." or "how do I..." question, or the like,
it's usually because they need help with it themselves, so, I assume you are
not really an expert in that field, and as such, I would definitely suggest staying
clear of it. I, myself, am no expert either, so please do not take offense to my
comment. And, if you do, I apologize.

But again, you really should stick with something you know TONS about, primarily
when first starting out. For example, when I first started out online, I wanted to
learn how to "program" so bad, and I did. I took course after course and even went
out on my own and taught myself much of what I know today. One of the ways I
wanted to start making money online was to offer my knowledge by starting a blog
about programming, HOWEVER, at the time, I was an EMT an a professionally trained
chef, a damn good one at that, I have to say.

Anyways, rather than starting with a blog about programming, I went with what I knew
best, Health/Medical based and a Cooking blog. I made an absolute killing with both, but
more importantly, it taught me so much in respects to how to run a blog, manage a blog,
the best ways to present information to my followers, how to do proper research, the best
ways to monetize certain pages or post types, etc. AS WELL AS gave me the much needed
time to learn so much more about programming so that when I finally did start using my
programming knowledge to my benefit, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with the
knowledge and I knew that I could do it "like a champ".

My point is, if you have a choice between 2 different "niches", I would suggest choosing
the one you know more about, FIRST. Use it to learn more about general things as well
as tone up your knowledge on the niche you know lesser about. Then, once you feel
confident enough, and know MUCH more about the subject, get up and running like a

With that all being said, I am going to contradict myself here as well. Do NOT be afraid
to dive in, head first, to something you don't much about either. If you are truly passionate
about something, whether you know very little, or tons, if you're passionate enough,
it will show and you will succeed, you will MAKE yourself succeed and even be able
to fend off any nay-sayers. In life, you don't learn unless you make mistakes and mistakes
is something we ALL never stop doing or learning from. So, in contradiction to what I just
rambled on about above, if you're really passionate about a specific niche, DIVE IN, even
if you know very little. You WILL learn as you go, I assure you.


New member
Jan 6, 2016
Your Welcome your Welcome Your Welcome. hahaha

I have this kind of philosophy, go with what you know. and when you are first beginning in Internet Marketing the only thing you may "Know" is specifically the topic / niche. In doing this without you really knowing it, you are relieving some of the stress in the learning process. Amongst how to pick a domain name, what hosting to get what e-mail service to get what auto responder to get how to build a web site. how to get e-mails how to keep people on your list how to get people to buy stuff. how to sell them more stuff how to where to when to... the LAST thing you need to concern yourself with is what do I write about next?

And even after all that.. what will I write about next? ( no matter how well you know a topic ) will arise. Your first step into Internet Marketing is going to be painful. I dont think people have a clue how down right complicated it is. There is simply a lot to learn, and people try and press themselves into learning all this stuff over night - and the reality.. I have been at it going on 20 yrs now..and I am STILL learning.

The thing you want to focus on first and for most is the process. break things down into manageable chunks. What is my niche / topic. what web address should I get. ok now I need to build a website... what is needed to do this ( I write content, and lots of it, before I build - tip of the day ) Now I can build a website.. well try. Now that i have that done, i have content, now what? depending on the type of site you have you could learn how to set up and auto responder, you could go in and re write some product descriptions you could write more content.. start building up your social properties. many things...

Then the wall hits.. I have built all of this and no one is coming. The internet is not the field of dreams.. if you build it, they will NOT come. the task at this point is learning how to drag them there. Out of everything you will learn in the process of developing a solid IM business, traffic is the pivot point that success and failure teeters on. I will be straight up and honest here... it is NOT the topic you have picked ( no matter what topic you have selected there are literally 1000's if not more people making money with that topic ) There is NO SUCH THING as over saturated - poorly targeted in a dense market.. well maybe. It is NOT the product you are trying to sell. It is not the theme that you chose. It is not the color combinations you have selected for your site. 99.99% of the time.. it comes down to 1 thing and 1 thing only... the lack of traffic, and if not the volume of traffic, it is how the traffic is targeted.

I will say this... once you understand traffic, and how to get it, and then how to get it specifically from people that want what you have... The internet world becomes your oyster. Once you have this down... the topic no longer matters, the niche no longer matters, it becomes about the process - the process of success repeated over and over.


New member
Mar 15, 2016
I am in the same boat as you with a list of niche topics to decide on. One thing that helped me is to complete this sentence. I want to become an expert on.....

Hope this helps
Last edited:


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
Don't be afraid to choose a niche that is very competitive.

You can bet your back teeth (if you have any left) that those at the top used to think the exact same thing when they was just a small fish.

Besides, there is always room at the top for "one more" that does something just a little different to everyone else.

Sure, choose a niche that you know the most about and have the most interest in.

But don't not choose a niche because it's too competitive.

Some people say aim for the moon, that way, even if you miss, you'll still be amongst the stars. ;)


Dec 20, 2016
good day

I would choose the following

Information technology

Wordpress tips

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