I would take this concept a step further... I would say that there are 4 page elements in total that should be really focused on in terms of SEO. There is page title, there is the URL itself, there is either the description tag OR keyword matching text. If you do a search for any topic in Google. These are the 4 elements you will see that are combined to create a listing in the SERP's. Once you understand how these elements may effect a listing, you can actually start manipulating how these elements appear in the Serps.
Did you know? in wordpress when you create a post the title of the post becomes the URL AND the title of the page?
Did you know you can go back in and re-title the page? When doing this the URL remains the same, but the title tag changes.
Did you know you can go in and change the description tag to a certain extent without effecting your overall SERP rank?
Did you know that when displaying the body text match for a term ( when a description tag is not present ), Google general displays the first instance of a match, aside from H tags, bold, or italic?
When you start looking at a SERP listing in this manor, you are quick to realize that as much as they are SEO elements, they can be used as CRO ( Conversion Rate Optimization ) elements as well