OK, this subject is right UP MY ALLEY. As a software programmer and product developer,
there are loads of things I do to help draw attention to my offerings. I will write up an
in-depth reply, but it will definitely take me some time. Please check back in a little while.
OK, I'm back... Here goes...
When I first started releasing software, whenever I'd launch a new product, a soft-launch,
I would use the following methods:
- Your Own Website
This should go without saying, but to successfully market yourself on the internet, it's best
to have a website. On your website, you should have a product page, for each product, that
will enable you to explain the product details. More over, however, you want to explain HOW
the software will benefit the end user. Focus more on BENEFITS than you do on FEATURES.
- Software Directory Sites
There are literally thousands of sites you can submit your software to. Here is a very short
list that I have gathered up.
- [URLnofo]http://download.cnet.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://completelyfreesoftware.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://freewarefiles.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://freewaregeeks.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://dmoz.org[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://filehorse.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://download.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://wareseeker.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://findmysoft.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://fixdown.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://topdownloads.net[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://softpedia.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://tucows.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://freewarehome.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://eurodownload.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://freewareweb.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://bluechillies.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://filehungy.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://BitsduJour.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://softarea51.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://padtube.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://DownloadPipe.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://downloadatlas.com[/URLnofo]
- [URLnofo]http://filefishstick.com[/URLnofo]
- Discount Sites
There are hundreds of sites out there that will allow you to promote your product IF you are
willing to offer it's members a great deal. Do a search on Google for terms such as "discount
sites like groupon" or "daily deal websites like groupon" and you're sure to find some.
- Press Releases
Another great way to promote your product launches is through the use of Press Release sites.
Once again, perform a search on google for "press release" or "press release submissions" and
you'll find a bushwhack of them.
- Reciprocal Links / Link Swaps
If you have friends or colleagues who own a website, or two or twelve, see if they'd be willing to
swap links with you. You post your link on their site and they do the same for you.
In addition, you could also try CROSS PROMOTION with a fellow product developer. If you know
other product developers (hint, hint, cough, cough
), you could try convincing them to promote
your product and in exchange, you would do the same for them.
- Writing Articles and Guest Blog Posts
Writing articles about a topic related to your product can greatly increase exposure exponentially.
When I was first starting out, I must have posted 3 - 4 articles per day and I am STILL receiving
incoming traffic from articles I posted YEARS ago.
- Classified Ad Sites
NEVER underestimate the power of classified ad sites like Craigslist. They can greatly help increase
awareness of your product (or product line)
- Obvious Methods
I am sure the following goes without saying, but Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn are all great sources to
spread the word.
- Forums (DUH)
Just like you did here, post a message on other forums, BUT, NOT just other IM based forums. If you're
product is sports related, find a slew of sports based forums. Post 20 - 30 helpful posts. Answer peoples
questions (when warranted) and add a link to your sig file. Show the communities that your first goal is
to lend a helping hand and they WILL reward you with sales, especially, if you prove you know what you
are talking about.
- Become A Warrior Forum War Room Member
I am not sure if Hoang, or other WMS admins will get upset at this one, but, another useful "tool" is to become
a War Room member over on the WF. Posting your product for free download is a great way to get feedback
and ideas from other WFers...
Well, I have a ton more I could add, but as always, this has turned into a rather long post, so I will stop for now...
No matter what method you decide to use, my first piece of advice is to NOT sell your product, but rather the
of your product. No one wants to buy a PRODUCT, they want to buy a SOLUTION.
OOOOH, I almost forgot. Something else you may want to do, which will help tremendously, is to purchase a copy of
Robosoft ( [URLnofo]http://robosoft.rudenko.com[/URLnofo] - no, that is NOT an affiliate link, I swear) and familiarize yourself with PAD
files (
http://pad.asp-software.org ) as this is almost ALWAYS a necessity when submitting your products to software
directory sites.
Also, I know this may be off topic, but it's important to note... While giving away your software, don't just simply GIVE
it away, instead, offer it in exchange for their email address. BUILD A LIST... THAT is a completely different subject,
but again, I thought it warranted at least a mention.
Software creation IS my CORE business, so, if you have any other questions, or want any assistance, please do let me know. I
am always happy to help out a fellow product developer.