I personally don't like Sony's phones. I used an Xperia once, but sorry I don't remember the model. But it lagged, I did not enjoy the pictures that I took, and that was my first experience with Android! Which was also apauling. Sony's a great company! I got nothing against them! I chose PS4 over the XBOX. I don't regret it one bit. But let's get back to the phones. I think today, the following factors need to be thought over:
1. Is the phone for official use, or just your personal phone
2. Get a chance to experience all the OSs available to you. Well... since we all know that there are just 2 leading at the moment... Android and iOS
3. If you go for an iPhone, the price obviously is big: a. because of the brand b. for their services c. the materials the use.
But, if you take into consideration of Apple Care, then its different. Since you're getting an insurance for your phone. I think Apple Care is awesome.
I noticed many of my friends using Xiaomi and Meizu phones these days. And they are enjoying every bit of it. I got the chance to use one of these Chinese branded phones, and I quite frankly liked it. And only because of those phones, I changed my views towards Android. Ooops...I forgot to mention, I personally admire iOS.

So yeah! I wish you good luck! Hope you pick out the best phone for yourself