How to sell articles?


New member
Aug 6, 2013
Hi everybody,

I am a content provider, and I have some articles in my marketplace. I am a writer and a member of penstars. Penstars is a very reputable and reliable marketplace of articles. Currently, I am selling my article at a price of $4 to $5 per 600 words article. Penstars is a sister website of writelearnearn and I have some articles in the marketplace.

However, I am having some difficulties pursuing clients. In fact, right now I don't really have any clients right now. So my question is: how can I get clients?


New member
Jul 16, 2013
Hi everybody,

I am a content provider, and I have some articles in my marketplace. I am a writer and a member of penstars. Penstars is a very reputable and reliable marketplace of articles. Currently, I am selling my article at a price of $4 to $5 per 600 words article. Penstars is a sister website of writelearnearn and I have some articles in the marketplace.

However, I am having some difficulties pursuing clients. In fact, right now I don't really have any clients right now. So my question is: how can I get clients?
Have you promoted your services on webmaster marketplace on this forum

Do some searches on the forum, and you can need to read any tips to make your articles better

And applying any ways to increase sales for your writing services by reading this post

And always learn ways to increase traffic for your website from this internet marketing forum
If you don't do marketing for your website, you will not have traffic and no sales for your site. That's why you have not any client for your site.

Hopefully you will find more ways to increase sales for your site.


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
One good way to get a good amount of "healthy leads" is to post a
slew of articles on the hundreds of article sites out there, of course,
using the resource/author bio box to sell your site. If your articles are
of high enough quality, people will instinctively want to visit your site
which is where you can sell them on investing in your service(s).

Another avenue you may want to consider pursuing is contacting the
owners/webmasters of some of the "reseller" type sites out there and
see if they'd be interested in purchases "blocks" or "sets" of articles
from you on a regular basis. If you choose this venue, make sure you
let them know that a file with your information will need to be included
with all your article sets. This way, you get a residual income stream
and the added exposure.

2 members on this forum (may be more but I know of these 2 for sure)
Ron Killian, and myself, run resale type website (we buy and sell resale
items, which include sets of articles) and I, for one, am always on the
lookout for FRESH, creatively written articles that I can provide to my
members so that they can post them on their own sites or blogs.

[Note to Ron Killian: I hope it's ok that I mentioned you pal. If not, my
sincerest apologies.]

One other possibility would be to offer your writing services to local
businesses. MANY companies are always looking for people to write
up their next press release. You could start off with a low cost, to
get them interested, and casually increase your pricing, or even let
them know right away that the first 3 writings will be of a discounted
price and your regular rate after those initial 3 (or however you want
to do it).

Another way to actively get your name out there is to sign up on many
of the freelance websites. Hundreds of people are constantly looking for
quality writers. And many of them are also looking to retain writers on
a regular basis.

One last thought would be to set yourself up a Fiverr account. I know
tons of people are making a killing offering their writing services there
on Fiverr. The trick is to lure new customers in via Fiverr and then retain
them on your own, at your regular price/rate.

One final note: Have you ever considered niche specific writing?

I have a local friend who is a writer, however, the ONLY thing she writes
is eulogies for local funeral homes. I know, very somber, but she makes

She will write up eulogies for anyone who wants to say nice things at the
service but just doesn't know how to say what they want to say. Another
buddy of mine writes articles strictly for local people looking to sell items
on craigslist. A client of mine writes specifically "pet related" articles and
sells them to businesses who can use those articles in their newsletters,
magazines, etc...

I know those 3 examples may not be exactly what you're looking into doing,
but my point is relevant none the less. Have you ever thought about "niche"
writing, specializing in a certain niche and making a name for yourself in one
or two specific niches thereby being able to present yourself as an "expert
writer" in that particular field.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Some great tips by Developer. And thanks for the mention buddy :)

I just wanted to agree with what he said about focusing on certain niches. There are SO many big ones that are always in need of fresh content. Look at weight loss, dating, make money, ect ect. Just a few of many.

To amp it up, say you decide to focus on weight loss articles, don't just write weight loss articles. You can and you'll probably sell them, but you could get even better traction if you focused on sub niches of a bigger niche. Maybe Weight loss for teens. Weight loss for seniors. Better yet, current diet trends or evergreen content like super foods.

When I see "just" weight loss articles for sale, I rarely buy them because I already have a ton of them. But if some one was selling a set of sub niche articles, I'd mostly likely buy them up.

Good example...

Several years ago when Acia Berry was all the rage I paid my daughter to write 10 articles. Put them up as a WSO and sold out quite quickly, and at higher than normal article prices. It was and still is my best WSO ever.

I don't' say this to brag, I only say it to show if you focus on sub niches you can do quite well.

Also, don't think it's mentioned, the Warrior Forum is another place to sell and build up a client base. You'll probably have to sell cheap, but it can be worth it to grab future clients and customers. Could lead to custom content, ect.

Just my thoughts :)


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
Once again, GREAT advice Ron. 100% DEAD ON!

@OP: As Ron pointed out, writing for the sub-niches can be extremely lucrative. Everyone who
writes articles is usually busy trying to appease to the ENTIRE market while not too many people
are paying particular attention to those who need more "centralized" or "focused" articles, which
means, they are in much higher demand and can (and DO) command a premium price. Best of all,
writing for sub-niches requires NO additional work or effort on your part, buy again, can command
a much higher price.

PLUS, if you decide to go the reseller route, selling your articles as PLR content, you could reach
a very hungry audience in no time at all. Resellers, for some reason, are attracted to the "7" price
tags, so, if you write up sets of say 10 articles, you could sell them for $17 or even $27 per set.

Now, I realize that's only half of what you would normally charge (based on each article being just
500 words), but, it could be some very easy and fast money for you PLUS some name notoriety and
recognition. Many of the most sought after writers online started out by merely providing low cost
"sets" of articles to help get the recognition they needed to go even further.

If you're stuck on ideas for article topics, an easy way to find some is to do a search on Google or
Bing for phrases such as:

"How do I..."
"How can I..."
"How to make money doing..."

Now, as an example, and for shits-n-giggles, I just performed a similar search and here are
just a few of the results I got:

  • ways to make money with... a drone
  • ways to make money with... apps
  • ways to make money with... bitcoin
  • ways to make money with... computers
  • ways to make money with... coupons
  • ways to make money with... credit cards
  • ways to make money with... digital art
  • ways to make money with... dogs
  • ways to make money with... doterra
  • ways to make money with... drones
  • ways to make money with... goats
  • ways to make money with... good credit
  • ways to make money with... google adsense
  • ways to make money with... graphic design
  • ways to make money with... horses
  • ways to make money with... instagram (see below)
  • ways to make money with... java
  • ways to make money with... linux
  • ways to make money with... my car
  • ways to make money with... network marketing
  • ways to make money with... no education
  • ways to make money with... no effort
  • ways to make money with... nothing

Now, as Ron pointed out, you COULD write a bunch of articles on say "making money online", but, why not
write a set of articles such as "Make Money Online with Instagram" and break each of those 10 articles down
to an even deeper topic, such as...

  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... exercise
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... experiments
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... experiments
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... fieldwork
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... homework
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... jigsaw puzzles
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... karaoke
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... karate
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... kegels
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... makeup
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... real estate
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... reiki
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... research
  • ways to make money with instagram doing ... zumba

Now, 2 things to note here. I realize the question asked was how to get clients, and this current
message is geared more towards what to write about, however, the topics I have shown here are
what is currently being searched for on G and B and as such, they're obviously things you could
write about and post on your site to help draw in leads and potential clients. After all, having the
content to sell to your clients is one key component of being able to sell to clients once you have
them, true?

Secondly, I realize the titles and/or subject matter above may not necessarily what interests you,
which is fine, but the point was to show you how quickly and easily finding "in demand" topics can
be. And, again, writing about in-demand subject matter is obviously a sure fire way to attract
people's attention thereby resulting in more leads and more sales -- which IS what you asked, LOL.

Another way you could use the info I posted above is to do some searches yourself, find some "in-
demand" topics to write about and post them on the mass of article sites out there. Do NOT limit
yourself to just "penstars". There are hundreds of article directory sites out there. Get your name
on ALL of them.

When I first started out, that is EXACTLY how I got started. I wrote articles all day every day and
did that for months and months -- the entire time building up a following of dedicated/loyal followers
many of whom eventually became customers as well.
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