Nothing Scarier...


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
Being a professionally trained chef, I have been fortunate enough to prepare
meals for 2 of our US Presidents and as a highly skilled EMT, I have had the
immense pleasure of saving babies lives, several of which were less than a
few weeks old, from near certain death...

Yet, neither of those were EVER as SCARY, nor made me as PROUD, as what
I had to encounter the other day.

I had to drive my daughter, my baby, off to college.

I admit it, as a grown man, I had tears in my eyes the entire drive. My daughter
has been through quite a bit in her life. Her mother, whom I had been separated
from for a few years, but whom was still my best friend at the time, passed away
when my daughter was only 12 years old. I, having been an EMT, spent many nights
in a hospital bed from being shot, stabbed and literally driven over, while tending to
victims in some pretty rough areas. She, my daughter, has endured a lot of adversity
in your short life span which makes me even prouder of her and her accomplishments.

Many will say "So what? Everyone has problems?" and you're right, but regardless,
this is MY baby we are talking about. (Other fathers out there will know EXACTLY
what I mean). She has overcome so much and yet has remained so strong. She is
one child that I NEVER had to worry about drugs, drinking or underage pregnancy
with or any other type of rebellious behavior. Many children, having had to endure
some of the things she has, would have turned to the darker side, but I'm so proud
of my baby girl and I just had to get this message out there.

Many people thought, with all the problems she faced early on in life, that she would
be one of the many who turned to the way of darkness, but I have to admit, she even
surprised me when she went the opposite way. She chose to follow God and I am so
thankful for that.

Now, don't get me wrong. I DO believe in God, but I am not a church going, bible thumping
evangelist, lol. In fact, the last time I stepped foot into a church was for my daughter's
mother's funeral. I have never forced church upon my daughter but yet she has gone every
week, faithfully, and participates greatly in their events and I just couldn't be any prouder
of her and the many good (no, GREAT) decisions she has made in her life.

Even going to college was strictly her choice (well, sort of, LOL). I knew I WANTED her to
attend college, but I never had to push it on her. In fact, I was all for having her take some
time off before heading back to school, but she was adamant that she wanted to go to college
right away and she did EVERYTHING to get things rolling. In fact, she surprised the hell out of
me just a few days ago by telling me she was starting school in just a few days.

I was stunned. I laughed, I thought she was joking. "You can't start yet, we have so much to
do, so much to get done..." I said.

"Everything's all set daddy. I did it all." And she HAD. She had applied to the many schools she
wanted to attend and when she was accepted at her first choice, she did EVERYTHING including
all the financials as well as setting up her living arrangements (living in a dorm) and everything.

As I said above folks, I am not some bible-thumping evangelist, however, I have to say "THANK
GOD" she turned out to be such a wonderful girl. I am an extremely lucky, and very very PROUD
daddy of one hell of an amazing daughter. Now if I can just pry the damn iPhone out of her hand
long enough to tell HER how proud I am of her, we'll be all set, LOL...

Thanks for listening folks.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Awesome story my friend. And so great to hear your daughter has turned out so well. Better a dad that has been in her life and is so proud of her. So many fathers not in the picture such a share.

I know how you feel though. I had an almost similar experience last year. Last year my daughter and her finance were talking about moving 10 hours away. Back to were we use to live when the kids were younger. She has some good friends there.

If that wasn't bad enough, it get's worst. My daughter has two kids, our grand kids. A girl who is was about 2 at the time and a boy who was only a few months old back then. Our grand daughter has been such a JOY in our life, it's just amazing, actually my wife's "happy pill" of sorts, so my wife was besides herself when we heard what they were talking about. I wasn't in much better condition.

Of course we never want to stand in the way of our kids needing to move on, or find better opportunities, or do what they think is best for them and their family, but it sure was a depressing situation. And we told her don't stay because of us, or feel guilty.

Needless to say, they changed their mind. I'd like to say I hope it wasn't because of us, though it would be hard to say there wasn't some influence there. I hope not much. Right now they live about 10 minutes away, so we are very lucky to have them so close. We usually see them about twice a week. They were here today actually.

My fingers crossed though, as they are going on vacation next week to the same place, so my daughter can visit with friends. I have not said anything to my wife, but I keep thinking, I hope they don't get the bug again. She might be thinking the same.

My wife has always told the kids they can't live more than an hour away. Can't say that will hold true. Fingers crossed.

So, I can feel for you. Guess we just have to remember, they grow up and need to, and should spread their wings. Not that it helps much. Best I can say :)

Don't get my started on phones. Iv'e been wanting to make a phone box. You come in the house, your phone goes in the box. Well, need to make it big enough for tablets too.


New member
Jan 24, 2016
I'm happy for you regardless and it is evident that your daughter is being raised with the greatest of love and care. I do know how you feel as a father of 7 (6 girls). This is the BEGINNING of even greater times.

Btw which presidents?


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
6 GIRLS ?!?

:help: :help: :help: :help: :help:

No worries pal, help is on the way!!! AND, Good luck to YOU my friend, :hysterical: ONE is plenty enough for me, lol, especially being a single dad...

Daughter: "Daddy, why am I [ADD ANYTHING HERE]... "
Daughter: "Daddy, how do I [ADD ANYTHING HERE]... "
Daughter: "Daddy, how come I [ADD ANYTHING HERE]... "
Me: How the hell am I supposed to know!!!
Me: How the hell am I supposed to know!!!
Me: How the hell am I supposed to know!!!


Btw which presidents?
Bush (senior) and Clinton
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