I think the site looks real nice. Clean, modern and it loaded pretty quick for me.
Took me a while to figure out what the site is, is not clear from the first page load. Probably going to give you a higher bounce rate. Honestly, I still don't get it completely. Seems its an internet marketing training site. Though the benefits are not pushed at all. Not real compelling reasons to look further into the site or sign up.
Not to mention, I was hit with a pop up right off the bat. Not saying pop ups are bad, but this case, it might be hurting you. I am a first time visitor, I don't quite get what the site is yet, and your popping up a discount for the membership. Membership for what? Doesn't tell or explain anything. Plus, if you do want to offer a discount, in this case wouldn't it be better to offer it as they as leaving? So you can get those that might be paying regular prices? Seems the discount should be a last ditch effort. Also, the pop up could use a background color.
Pricing is a little confusing. More the commission rates below the price, why? What? Also, no way to switch to US Dollars. Unless you don't want that business.
Also, the site name is odd, I don't get that. Almost seems like it should be something free. Yes, I know it is "Fre" and not "Free". But, are visitors thinking it should be something free as well, and the wonder why the prices? Just thinking out loud. Just doesn't jive for me.
Like I said, the site looks very nice, just needs to be explained or sold better.
Don't mean to be a negative, just my impressions.
Only my opinions