5 Better Blogging Tips and Tricks

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
I don't claim to be a blogging pro, far from it. But I've learned a few things over the years when it comes to blogging, usually the hard way, so I'd thought I share my experience.


Quality Layout

This probably doesn't need to be mentioned, but it does. Most bloggers get it. It adds to the user experience, even on a subconscious level.

There are great looking sites out there.

But there are a few that are butt ugly.

Choose a theme or layout that is easy on the eye's and easy to read. It does not have to have fancy graphics, a minimal design can be very pleasing to your visitors.

There are so many theme's out there, many of them free, and many low cost, there is no reason not to have a good looking site these days. No reason.

If you're not sure if your site looks good enough, and it NEVER hurts to have other opinion, ask for reviews. Most internet marketing forums have a review section where you can post a link to your blog and get feedback. Use it, take advantage of it. Just be open to criticism, it might happen, when applicable, use it to improve your blog.

Quality Content

They say content is king, and when it comes to blogging, it is by far the most important aspect. After all, without good content, what's the sense?

I am not saying you need to write award-winning content, or that it needs to be worthy of a New York best seller slot.

It needs to be useful to your target audience. It needs to be readable. It needs to be of some value.

Help your visitors learn or earn and you'll be fine.

And, please, please, please...

Put some personality into your content. Nothing more boring than a blog post that goes on like a lecture, or huge blocks of paragraphs. You're not a professor teaching a text-book class, you're a blogger, probably writing for regular people.

Writing like you talk, like you are, live in person, can go a long way.

One last thing... and I am sure I will get some flack..

If your blogging to English speaking visitors, you need to have a descent command of the language and just as important, the grammar. Nothing worse than trying to read content that makes little to no sense with very poor grammar.

I'll be the first to admit, I am make all kinds of writing mistakes. Not saying your content needs to be perfect, but it sure helps to be readable.

TIP: This might not work for everyone, but I've found that the more I write (type), the more I write. The more it seems to flow out of my brain. You just need to get started, just start pecking at the keyboard.

Consistent Posting

Here's one I've learn the hard way, and still guilty of it from time to time. For any website to grow and have the opportunity it needs to be updated.

I know you know this, but I have to say it.

For a blog to grow it needs new posts in a regular basis. Not only to keep visitors coming back, but it can also help in the search engines. They do like new content.

How often should new content be posted?

Obviously it depends on how much time you have to spend working your blog. Though don't spend mega time on social media or play online games then say you don't have time. Not that I've ever done that :)

Nothing is set in stone, but a good guide line is to add a new post each week. It's a good way to schedule.

Speaking of schedules, it never hurts to actually have one. Something I keep saying I am going to do. Could be a simple calendar, computer program or online app.

Doesn't matter if it's weekly, or several times a week, just be consistent. I personally wouldn't go longer than once a week, but that's only my opinion.

One blogger I use to read, that seems to achieved some fame in a part of the blog-o-sphere claimed that his posting 3-5 new posts a day (yes per day), made a difference. Could have, I don't know. But for most people, that would be VERY tough to keep up with that kind of schedule.

My point is, do what works for you, not what others "say" is right or best. More importantly, you need to do what brings you a return, either financially or traffic. Unless you just want a hobby.


Quality content is one thing, but if no one reads it, where will it get you? Some of the experts say we should spend 20% of our time on content creation and 80% of our time on promoting our content.

I've never proven that statement, nor have I seen concrete proof that it's true, but I think it's a very good goal. We all need goals, right?

So how do you promote your blog?

For many niches or markets, such as internet marketing, one of the best and easier ways to promote is commenting on other bloggers blog posts.
Why commenting?

It actually serves a few purposes, some quite powerful in my opinion.

Here's what it can do for your blog:

• Drive traffic, visitors and readers to your blog - These could be regular visitors that come back time and time again. Make sure you have mechanisms in place for them to be alerted when you post new content. Could be RSS feed, email sign up or social links.

• Build relationships with fellow bloggers - This can be quite powerful. It can lead to guest posts, working on projects, people who happily share your content on social media every time.

• Social Proof - When a blog has comments, it can give the perception that you put out read-worthy content. It can give the perception that you have a following, that you have readers. A blog with no comments is a ghost town.

• Build more comments in your blog - When you comment on other blogs, the law of reciprocation kicks in, in most instances, and those other bloggers will usually stop by your home and drop a comment on your content.

• More Social Shares - Or finally some shares, if you're struggling to get your blog off the ground. Commenting could and should get shares from your visitors and from other blog owners. Remember, other bloggers will comment to help their blog as well, and they will often share other work socially because it could gain other marketers (bloggers) to share their stuff. Again, the law of Reciprocation at work.

Now, here's some really good "stuff", the possible positive side effects of quality blog commenting...

• Guest posts - Since you are networking with other bloggers when commenting, and many of them will made it a point of stopping by your blog and drop a comment, they will be reading your content. Now if it's good, they just might contact you to do a guest post for their blog. I know it's how I get mine. And let me tell you, I track sales as much as I can and guest posts do bring in buyers. Or you might be asked if you want to be included in a "roundup", which is usually a compilation of related blog posts with links to each post.

• Networking - Although I've already touched on this, it can be one of the best things you can do for your blog and your business. When you make "friends" or contacts with similar and like-minded people, you open up even more opportunities. As I've already mentioned, you could get guest posts or included in round-ups. Better still, it can build a group of people who eagerly share your content on social sites, a band of sharers if you will. You could meet people who turn into real friends. People that you could work on projects with or share experiences and ideas.
Another way to promote your blog is with related forums. It could be as simple as putting a link to your blog in your signature. For it to really pay off you DO need to become a valuable part of the community. A forum is a community.

Forum marketing is another subject in itself, so I won't get into great detail here. I'll just say it can drive traffic when done right. When done wrong, you can just look like an idiot and waste your time.

Social Media Promotion

We've already talked about comments and how they can be an important part of your promotional time.

But I thought a couple things needed to be said when it comes to social media. It's a traffic medium we can't ignore.

As you know, you need to make sure you have social buttons on your content, and ones that work. But it also helps to position them for maximum clickness. Yes I just made that up. Did I invent a new word? Probably not.


From my testing, social buttons that hover off to the side of the content and move as the reader scrolls, has achieved the highest click thru rate for me. Can't say it's the best in every instance, or every blog, just what's worked for me.

The big point it, you need to make it easy for your visitors to share, and just as important, you need to make it readily available for that click. I know this is common sense, but some folks miss it.

Another debate that comes about, is which social buttons you should use. Everyone has their own opinion and there are many theories, but sometimes we can miss out on traffic. For example, a while back I put up a Reddit button and noticed it was getting clicks. You just never know.
Now, I am NOT saying you need to stick up 50 social buttons, that's just so 2010 in internet time and most times not effective at all. Plus it can "junk" up your blog.

Wow, I've gone on here. Guess it's time to end this.

This was just a short primer, I did not cover everything, some things I probably missed or could have added, but I hope it helps.

Do you have anything to add? Comments? Idea's? Thoughts? Did you bring me a snickers?

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Oh yes, we all forget :)

That's where a to-do list comes in handy. Something I've done off an one, but not consistently.

I've also created a personal promotion list, sites to submit my content to after it's created. For the same reason, like you said, so I don't forget.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the reply.


New member
Mar 8, 2016
Yes its very good post. you have included important things i am working on these steps easily. to get results you have to be consistent and work is involved.


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
Ah Ron no snickers bar but mad props mate +1

This is great stuff mate. I love listening to the voice of experience!

It's always great to have an insight into a pros mind in easily digestible bite sized chunks for the real newbie but hungry and determined entrepreneurs out there / on here.

Present company included. ;)

Just to help steer people into the right direction and try and make the Internet a much better place to live, work and have fun on if anything at all.

Too many successful Internet Marketers and big time bloggers don't want to share their knowledge and help others, they just want it all for themselves.

They get too successful and they forget about Jenny from the block you know what I mean?

Yeah it does take action! Sometimes action, blood, sweat & tears.

But nothing that is worth having is ever easy to get.

And though you could loose everything in trying, you still have to try.

Because fortune often favors the brave!

And you can take that to the bank. :p

I know Donald Trump did.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
Definitely a great post and plus 1. One of the things Im noticing a lot of is peoples blogs or their main company site looks like sheeeeet.

Also don't forget the on-site SEO factor. I have many blogger friends (all women hehe) that get advice from me. You'd be surprised how much a little on-site SEO can shoot a site up in the search engines if the content and quality is already there. It's much easier to establish objectives when you have data from content that was published a year ago. I can run a site through SEMrush, analyze the pages that are ranking, and then pull those pages into ahrefs and look at the link profile, then I can decide on pages to focus on. Doing this allows me to get them traffic almost instantaneously after making on-site adjustments.

I've literally noticed ranking improvements in 24 hours when making the right adjustments. For instance linking a page thats already ranking to a page that needs a boost after making adjustments to the page that needed the boost.


New member
Feb 26, 2016
I really like your point on consistency. That's really one of the main things once you have traffic coming in.

I've had periods of no posting on my blog, and the growth rate really was effected because of that.

Not necessarily required to have certain days you post on, but I think it's absolutely necessary to have some sort of posting schedule to maintain frequency.

Nimit Suri

New member
Feb 11, 2016
Great post Ron
I feel i have so much to learn when it comes to blogging .As u said "write as if you are talking to someone in person".
There are so many blogs out there who have already conveyed what you want to write about. I find it a complex issue to find the right title or the content.I feel i have so much to learn and it gets me nervous.Writing a personal blog is a different and writing a professional one is moreover different.Because when you hit the submit button you don't know what kind of replies you are going to get and how are people going to react reading it .Many professional bloggers and expert people are going to view it no matter where you try to promote it .The 1st impression matters to me I guess .Because that's when you think whether to read the rest of the blogs posted by him.
Right now i note down any useful tips i can get .Am so very keen of writing one and promote it .Thanks for the useful tip.
Have a great day!


New member
Nov 25, 2015
How did I miss this one! Nice post Ron and some great tips! :)

I especially like the part where you talked about building relationships with fellow bloggers. This is one of the more often overlooked things that most bloggers do. Kind of go it alone and things are surely better with some good connections.

I definitely need to get some articles written for some of my blog sites, hopefully soon time will be my friend again! ;)

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Amazing Post.. really helpful

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.

Yes its very good post. you have included important things i am working on these steps easily. to get results you have to be consistent and work is involved.
Thanks for the kind words. Glad you liked it.

Yes it does take consistency and it takes effort. Gotta take action.

Ah Ron no snickers bar but mad props mate +1

This is great stuff mate. I love listening to the voice of experience!

It's always great to have an insight into a pros mind in easily digestible bite sized chunks for the real newbie but hungry and determined entrepreneurs out there / on here.

Present company included. ;)

Just to help steer people into the right direction and try and make the Internet a much better place to live, work and have fun on if anything at all.

Too many successful Internet Marketers and big time bloggers don't want to share their knowledge and help others, they just want it all for themselves.

They get too successful and they forget about Jenny from the block you know what I mean?

Yeah it does take action! Sometimes action, blood, sweat & tears.

But nothing that is worth having is ever easy to get.

And though you could loose everything in trying, you still have to try.

Because fortune often favors the brave!

And you can take that to the bank. :p

I know Donald Trump did.
No candy, no reply!

Thanks for the kind words.

Sure no expert here. Just a regular guy who's been around long enough to learn some things. Usually the hard way.

Ya does seem like the big guys forget their beginnings. Or they only want to sell you their secrets. Which usually are not secrets anyways.

I sure haven't forgotten Jenny. Don't tell my wife that. Though it's a "i" instead of a"y".

Agreed, action makes things happen. And belief is a powerful part of the success equation.

No matter what people say, Donald is NO dummy.

Thanks for the reply :)

Definitely a great post and plus 1. One of the things Im noticing a lot of is peoples blogs or their main company site looks like sheeeeet.

Also don't forget the on-site SEO factor. I have many blogger friends (all women hehe) that get advice from me. You'd be surprised how much a little on-site SEO can shoot a site up in the search engines if the content and quality is already there. It's much easier to establish objectives when you have data from content that was published a year ago. I can run a site through SEMrush, analyze the pages that are ranking, and then pull those pages into ahrefs and look at the link profile, then I can decide on pages to focus on. Doing this allows me to get them traffic almost instantaneously after making on-site adjustments.

I've literally noticed ranking improvements in 24 hours when making the right adjustments. For instance linking a page thats already ranking to a page that needs a boost after making adjustments to the page that needed the boost.
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. Your right, there are a lot of bad looking blogs out there. And with Wordpress and all the theme's out there, there is no excuse really.

So you are the Gigolo of blogging huh?

You're spot on about SEO. Can make a huge difference. I've been greatly disillusioned with SEO the last year or so, so I don't talk about it too much. No fake it till you make it here.

But for folks like you that know how to work the system, it's sure worth the effort. :)

Appreciate the reply.

I really like your point on consistency. That's really one of the main things once you have traffic coming in.

I've had periods of no posting on my blog, and the growth rate really was effected because of that.

Not necessarily required to have certain days you post on, but I think it's absolutely necessary to have some sort of posting schedule to maintain frequency.
Oh consistency, one word with SO much power behind it. You are sure not the only one that doesn't post on a regular or schedule basis, I am SO guilty of that.

Yep, it can make a big impact on growth. And you hit the nail, something I keep saying, I need to get myself a schedule and stick to it. But it's too easy to get sidetracked.

Thanks for the reply :)

Great post Ron
I feel i have so much to learn when it comes to blogging .As u said "write as if you are talking to someone in person".
There are so many blogs out there who have already conveyed what you want to write about. I find it a complex issue to find the right title or the content.I feel i have so much to learn and it gets me nervous.Writing a personal blog is a different and writing a professional one is moreover different.Because when you hit the submit button you don't know what kind of replies you are going to get and how are people going to react reading it .Many professional bloggers and expert people are going to view it no matter where you try to promote it .The 1st impression matters to me I guess .Because that's when you think whether to read the rest of the blogs posted by him.
Right now i note down any useful tips i can get .Am so very keen of writing one and promote it .Thanks for the useful tip.
Have a great day!
Best way to learn is by doing. Well sure you know that.

Just don't let the nerves get to you, to the point that you don't even get started. It's happened to many people.

And yes, picking a niche can be tough. No one can really help YOU with that (except maybe a personal coach), it's something you need to figure out. Just make sure to be as narrow as possible and stick to it. I see so many blogs that are all over the place. One post is about the latest iOS, and the next is about internet marketing. And they wonder why they are not growing and not making money.

As far as personal or business, and this is only my opinion, most all of us should be writing personal blogs. If you're in a niche like internet marketing, your visitors are going to be regular people, and personal writing can be the best way to build a relationship with regular people. Even though we are talking about online business, we are still talking to "people".

Just get started, that is the key. It's too easy for people to get paralyzed with the details and they never begin. Never begin, never make any money.

Get started by blogging, today. What is the worst that could happen if you don't get it perfect? Nothing.

When you do start blogging though, use some white space. No one likes read big blocks or big paragraphs of text. It's like work. And a "." at the end of the sentence, not the end :)

Thank you for the reply. I hope my post helped.

How did I miss this one! Nice post Ron and some great tips! :)

I especially like the part where you talked about building relationships with fellow bloggers. This is one of the more often overlooked things that most bloggers do. Kind of go it alone and things are surely better with some good connections.

I definitely need to get some articles written for some of my blog sites, hopefully soon time will be my friend again! ;)
Hey my friend. Thanks for the kind words.

I am no expert and I have not done it near as much as I could or should, but I've found from experience, building those relationships can bring about some amazing things. I was actually surprised when I finally took blog commenting seriously. Now if I can stick with it :)

I think your right, it's a highly overlooked aspect of blogging. And it's so simply and so easy. Plus it can actually be fun.

Appreciate the reply :)


New member
Nov 25, 2015
Thank you as well, it's always nice to read something that is good, useful and informative.

I also need to get busy and get more done, i've had a run in with a couple of injuries and all my sites have paid for it. Sometimes it just takes a little motivation and a positive outlook to get things moving forward. Iv'e personally been stuck in neutral too long! ;)

Thanks again for the great post, I look forward to you next! :yahoo:


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
Awesome write up
While I know Ron appreciates your sentiment. And I'm sure you're a great gal. Please familiarize yourself with The Rules

Do not post "Thank You", "Thanks For Useful Information", "Great Post, Thank You", "I agree with you", "Nice Article" or something similar repeatedly, messages to every person who answers your question or to every post you find useful.
You could state what it is about his write up that you found useful I'm sure Ron would like to know and appreciate that none the less. ;)
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