Link indexing


New member
Mar 1, 2016
I have Googled for link indexers, the ones that seem legit you have to pay for, the free ones just say "pinged" so I don't really know if they did anything. Does anyone know of a reliable free link indexer?


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
Reliable and free are rarely something that ever share the same sentence Denver. :)

What is it you're trying to index? Your tier3's or something?

I always thought that if you need a link to get indexed, its not worth having.

Also here's different types of link indexers and ways of indexing links.

There's using free blog ping servers of course.

Using them you wont really know nothing has happened as it goes in the background just tells them there is new content to crawl.

WordPress auto pings using on each new post and that's enough to update the search engines like google.

So if you're pinging your sites posts again and doing it too much, that can be counted as spam and they'll block your site.

So don't go using them too much if you have set in your update services field in Writing Options page that's really all you need to do and why it exists.

Just something to think about. I've known people who have "pinged" too many times and got their site blocked this way.

You can put other blog ping server engines in that field as well if you want but does it for you.

Then there's free link indexer like which simply build lots of statistic sites to your link on thousands of whois type sites and stuff.

This can have a mixed bag of results for new and old domains when they get these I can testify of that myself!

Then of course there's actual link indexing services like and sites like Lindexed.

Those sorts of link indexers use multiple methods of indexing your backlinks for you but are as about as black hat as you can get.

Also using these services comes with some other caveats you might not want to share your site with depending on how ethical you are.

However I hope this has been helpful and given you some insight and some food for thought! :)

So such service as pingomatic won't do any harm to my page? Or it is better not to use it
If you use WordPress and you have set in your update services field in Writing Options page it automatically pings it when you publish a post.

If you then go to something like and manually send another ping, and you're doing that all the time, that could be seen as spam and potentially get your domain on the block list.

So there is no need to send a ping using a ping server such as if you have the set in your update services field in Writing Options page. pings all the blog servers (the major ones) so there is no need to do another ping yourself after.

It's like opening a ticket with your support for something, not getting a reply straight away and then opening another ticket.

It's not going to speed up how fast they reply, if anything, it's going to slow it down because now they have 2 support tickets to deal with.

It's the same for pinging blog servers. One ping is enough. Any more than this and you risk getting blocked by them then all the pings in the world wont make a difference.
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