I don't mean to be negative here, but I see far too many people fall into the trap, that they "think" they need to learn to code. That they need to build their own sites, plugin's theme's, CMS, ect. Or they see people saying that is what they "should" do.
Part of this I repeated in another post.
Problem is they waste all this time trying to learn code and never get it, or never finish projects. And for many people, coding just doesn't click with them. Not saying they are less intelligent, just that it's not for every one.
I was one of those people who wasted far too many months learning PHP and for nothing really. I did not totally get it. Beyond the basics that is.
The last friend I tried helping to get started online did the same thing. I gave him everything I did to make money online. He got a bug thinking he needed to learn php for wordpress. He spent over a year learning to code, didn't really get much accomplished and make NO money.
For those that want to code, more power to you. Seriously.
But for those who are just trying to build an online business, probably 95% of the time, learning to code or build some thing like a CMS is a huge waste of their time.
Things like Wordpress might not be perfect and they might not be the perfect solution every time. But for those looking to earn online, it can be close enough to perfect.
From some one who's been there and has wasted precious time over many years.
Just my two cents. I am sure some one will disagree.