As mentioned, be very careful when researching a company. Your best best is to try out each company and see where it goes, when I first started out as a web developer that is what I did. You can't exactly trust online reviews, most of them are paid for and others are affiliates trying to get you to click their link(s).
Lets put it this way, from a customers point of view. Alright, so you're with a provider and things go south.. Said provider really makes you angry, isn't able to make things right and overall you've had a bad experience. Well, now you're upset and the first thing that you want to do is write a negative review of the company to let people know what has happened. Alright, so that's a negative review for the company..
Now... Lets say you choose a Hosting Provider and they do everything right, you're completely satisfied as you may not have even needed to contact support once. With satisfaction comes peace in mind, and relaxation. So, 9 times out of 10 (look at yourself here) you're going to forget about your provider and focus more on your business rather than taking time out to post on a random website your review of said hosting company.... Same thing goes with the rest of the population. Once in a blue moon you're going to get that one customer that the provider has gone above and beyond for that does the same and writes a review of said company, however that's probably a 1 in 100 chance of actually happening.
You're going to see more reviews about the bigger companies, however you're probably going to get much better service from a company that has less customers (maybe higher prices) and is able to focus more on each individual customers needs... Sad thing is, very rarely will you ever hear about said companies on review sites....
So try things out, dip your toes in the water and see where that takes you