Think of a YTC just as you would an FB Page. Categorizing specific video types, changing the look/feel of the page and being able to posts videos from other's are all beneficial depending on what you're trying to achieve.
By using a channel, you can post specific video types, design the page (sort of) around the theme of those videos and can even post videos from other users within. The point, and your overall goal, I would assume, would be to draw as many people to YOUR channel as you can, so placing any videos (be them yours or not) would be beneficial as long as it gives the viewer the info they are after. Your viewers will soon turn into subscribers once they see YOU are providing them easy access to the types of videos they are looking for.
In all, channels give you the opportunity to categorize and niche-ify a page on YouTube, making it easier and quicker for you, and others, to find videos based on topic, likes, dislikes, etc...
In addition, creating a YT channel allows you to display a short description about your channel as well as small thumbnail images of the videos you've uploaded or added, lists of members to whom you've subscribed, videos of other members you've selected as your favorites, lists of your you tube friends and subscribers and also becomes a section where others can post comments about your channel and videos within.
Again, think of a YTC just like you would a Facebook Fan Page. At least that's how I present it to my clients when asked this same question.
Hope this helps.