Starting online business at lowest budget?


Active member
Mar 11, 2014
I want to know from all professionals here that how we can be successful online business filed at lowest budget, ie starting from $50 or $100. please share your knowledge for me and everyone. Thanks


New member
May 13, 2016
Don't expect a huge outcome from only investing 100 dollars. Thats not a ton of money by any means. But this doesn't mean it can be done. With such a low investment you will need a lot of time to spare. Good Luck.


Apr 28, 2016
Here, I'll save you $100.

1. Sign up for a free website at,, and I think too.

2. Download free image editors GIMP and Inkscape to create your images

3. Download any free HTML editor and FTP programs.

4. Create social media accounts, such as a Facebook Page. Join a lot of groups and get them to your FB page.

5. Post links from your website to your FB Page. Now you got some traffic.

6. Apply for Adsense and/or Affiliate Marketing programs, and put their links on your website.

Now you have your Internet Marketing business - all for free. Use that $100 to buy red roses for your wife or girlfriend instead. Believe me, you'll thank me for this :friends:


New member
Jan 30, 2016
Here, I'll save you $100.

1. Sign up for a free website at,, and I think too.

2. Download free image editors GIMP and Inkscape to create your images

3. Download any free HTML editor and FTP programs.

4. Create social media accounts, such as a Facebook Page. Join a lot of groups and get them to your FB page.

5. Post links from your website to your FB Page. Now you got some traffic.

6. Apply for Adsense and/or Affiliate Marketing programs, and put their links on your website.

Now you have your Internet Marketing business - all for free. Use that $100 to buy red roses for your wife or girlfriend instead. Believe me, you'll thank me for this :friends:
Dude he asks for a successful business online with a high profit, not to just create a website. How are you going to build a successful business website with their free sub-domains? Wordpress requires to have at least $18 to register for a .com domain, will you tend to take their free domain like:
Pay to Get Paid! Nothing comes to your for free

I want to know from all professionals here that how we can be successful online business filed at lowest budget, ie starting from $50 or $100. please share your knowledge for me and everyone. Thanks
$50-$100 is a nice budget for starting a business website online. First you should make plans. Calculate your "Gross Revenue" and "Net Profit" to make sure your budget will never reach the $0. Your total expenses should not exceed your Net Profit. If you believe you can generate some sales to provide for your expenses of your second year, you should invest all your money at once. If you see you cannot generate enough sales just in one year to provide for your expenses, you shouldn't invest all your money at once and must save some money for the next year.

Be prepared, start writing content, growth hacking and link building right after your website is built. Gather some testimonials to generate more sales and make a beautiful landing page.


Apr 28, 2016
He didn't say anything about branding or high profit, and there's benefits to (high domain authority). He also won't be alone as there are ton of users already on Everything I have suggested is virtually free, and many people have made decent money from adsense on their blogs.

Of course, if he wants faster better results, he's going to have to spend well over $100.

Even if he buys a domain name, he's going to have to buy web hosting among other things. The cost is going to add up in the long run.


Apr 28, 2016
There's also risks too. Let's say he buys a domain name for $12 bucks, then shell out another $5 bucks a month for very cheap no-name web hosting. That will come out to $70 a year. He also spends the remaining $30 bucks on PPC to get some starter traffic.

He gets approved for Adsense and some Affiliate Links. He put these links on his self hosted website. But he made no profit because there's never any guaranteed with any kind of business. So basically he ended up losing his $100 investment. That's the risk right there.

With my no-risk Freebie Model, he gets to test the water first, and see if he can actually make any decent money from Adsense and Affiliate Marketing without spending a dime. If not, he still have his $100 to spend on the red roses for his wife or girlfriend. In return, she'll likely reward him with a night he'll never forget :001_tt1:


New member
Jan 30, 2016
$12 for a domain and $70 for a web hosting a YEAR? What the hell are you talking about?
Nowadays people are able to get a .com for just $0.99 for their first year, donno if it works for you or not :D
Also with you can get a completely free web hosting account. My method is likely the same as yours (costs low) so that you can save your money.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
If your serious about building a business, about making money online, the first and most important is to NOT use free hosting. As has already been mentioned on this thread.

You have NO control over free hosting, it's not yours, you are not paying for it. Plus free hosting like, they don't like marketing or advertising, so they will likely delete your website.

Why would you want to spend all this time creating a website, adding content, promoting it, and it's all gone in a blink of an eye?

Get paid hosting. Period. End of story.

And of course your own domain(s).

As already stated, you can start with paid hosting for $5 a month, and upgrade as your business grows. Depending on where you get your domain, they average about $10 a year.

If some one does not want to pay the paltry sum of like $70 a year, they are not serious about building a business. Unless they need a new hobby.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
I agree with Ron. If you can't afford hosting and a domain, you're a$$ out! Period.

Go get a job and save your money. Learn how to monetize your site in the process with tutorials and whatever else. Then when you have the money you'll know a little before you start. Better than doing nothing.

People kill me jumping into IM as a last resort. That is not what this is and there is no easy way to make a buck! None. If you start a blog today and work with it everyday, you might make enough to replace a full time job by the end of month 3.

This solely depends on competition, quality of content, on-site optimization, and so many other factors, and at this point your head would spin clean off of your shoulders if I listed it all.

Do yourself a favor and don't jump into IM until you can afford a loss.

Everything's trial and error. In the beginning you're just making sites for the hell of it, or you THINK it's a good idea. It's probably not and you'll probably fail for years before you make a decent amount of money. It's hard man, really hard. And there's people like me that will find your niche, scrape your site, and beat your ass. It's competitive and cut throat. Everyone with a website wants traffic, how could it not be competitive?


Apr 28, 2016
$12 for a domain and $70 for a web hosting a YEAR? What the hell are you talking about?
Nowadays people are able to get a .com for just $0.99 for their first year, donno if it works for you or not :D
Also with you can get a completely free web hosting account. My method is likely the same as yours (costs low) so that you can save your money.
I'm aware that people can paid cheaper for a .com and could get web hosting as you say, for almost free at The problem is, how reliable and recognizable are these places to purchase these services? We don't know if will be around a year from now.

We DO KNOW that Blogger and (and ain't going anywhere soon.

Plus, even if he signs on to cut costs, he still have to take care of maintenance on his end. With Blogger and, there's almost no maintenance.. such as upgrading the software.

If your serious about building a business, about making money online, the first and most important is to NOT use free hosting. As has already been mentioned on this thread.

You have NO control over free hosting, it's not yours, you are not paying for it. Plus free hosting like, they don't like marketing or advertising, so they will likely delete your website.

Why would you want to spend all this time creating a website, adding content, promoting it, and it's all gone in a blink of an eye?

Get paid hosting. Period. End of story.

And of course your own domain(s).

As already stated, you can start with paid hosting for $5 a month, and upgrade as your business grows. Depending on where you get your domain, they average about $10 a year.

If some one does not want to pay the paltry sum of like $70 a year, they are not serious about building a business. Unless they need a new hobby.
We have to assume if he's starting out at such a low budget, then he probably don't have a ton of capital lying around. I'm not saying he don't but realistically, that's not even a shoestring budget he's asking.

I agree that a person has to spend money to make money. But it's not impossible to make money without spending money. It's very difficult. He'll still need to promote heavily which requires money. may own the hosting but they don't own your content. You can always back that up and repost them up to another blog somewhere else. If WordPress doesn't like adsense or affiliate, just use email marketing to collect email addresses. Promote from there. In fact, that's even better. Or go with Blogger altogether.

With the freebie model, he gets to dabble with blogging for like a year, and if he's actually making any money, he can use his new revenue to reinvest. At least he doesn't lose money and WordPress, Blogger, and probably, ain't going anywhere anytime soon. His site will be up for a long time. He can always come back to it later on.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
We have to assume if he's starting out at such a low budget, then he probably don't have a ton of capital lying around. I'm not saying he don't but realistically, that's not even a shoestring budget he's asking.

I agree that a person has to spend money to make money. But it's not impossible to make money without spending money. It's very difficult. He'll still need to promote heavily which requires money. may own the hosting but they don't own your content. You can always back that up and repost them up to another blog somewhere else. If WordPress doesn't like adsense or affiliate, just use email marketing to collect email addresses. Promote from there. In fact, that's even better. Or go with Blogger altogether.

With the freebie model, he gets to dabble with blogging for like a year, and if he's actually making any money, he can use his new revenue to reinvest. At least he doesn't lose money and WordPress, Blogger, and probably, ain't going anywhere anytime soon. His site will be up for a long time. He can always come back to it later on.
Yes you can back up content, should be on your PC anyways. But that is the VERY least concern.

You can NOT back up backlinks, social interaction, and everything else that goes with promotion and marketing.

Your not getting the point... once again... you have NO control over free hosting. All your work could be gone without notice and no recourse. All your time wasted. Traffic and sales gone.

Why would any one risk that?

The OP stated: "how we can be successful online business". Maybe I am wrong, but seems like he is some what serious, or hopes to be.

If he wanted to mess around or wanted a hobby or had some extra time on their hands, then free would be an option.


Apr 28, 2016
Nonsense. He has plenty of control over his content. Yes maybe the visitors' comments might not be saved but that's the least of his concern.

The truth is, as I've already mentioned, IF he actually starts making money from say Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, etc, THEN he can easily migrate over to self-hosting after a year (because he has real money to play with now). What I'm proposing is actually a trial for him to SEE if he can actually make any money, without having to spend his initial $50-$100.

Can you personally guaranteed him that if he spends his $100 on web hosting, domain name, and other expenses, that he will have a successful business?

And also, let's say he wants to start a business like a retailer, he's gonna need a heck of a lot more than $100 to get that going. Or let's say he wants to promote a service instead (like cleaning carpet or something), he's still gonna need a lot of money to promote his website.


New member
Nov 15, 2015
I think that is a good amount of money to get started with. That's the benefit of online marketing is that it doesn't cost a fortune to get started. You can use a website builder and start for free and then when you start making a little bit more money you can upgrade. This way you can get a jump on your online marketing.

I hope this helps.


Active member
Mar 11, 2014
Here, I'll save you $100.

1. Sign up for a free website at,, and I think too.

2. Download free image editors GIMP and Inkscape to create your images

3. Download any free HTML editor and FTP programs.

4. Create social media accounts, such as a Facebook Page. Join a lot of groups and get them to your FB page.

5. Post links from your website to your FB Page. Now you got some traffic.

6. Apply for Adsense and/or Affiliate Marketing programs, and put their links on your website.

Now you have your Internet Marketing business - all for free. Use that $100 to buy red roses for your wife or girlfriend instead. Believe me, you'll thank me for this :friends:
I think, to be a successful business, I need to have my own domain, not a sub domain from a free blog.

Your ways like creating simple website for some traffic without detailed steps or can compete with other websites

Dude he asks for a successful business online with a high profit, not to just create a website. How are you going to build a successful business website with their free sub-domains? Wordpress requires to have at least $18 to register for a .com domain, will you tend to take their free domain like:
Pay to Get Paid! Nothing comes to your for free

$50-$100 is a nice budget for starting a business website online. First you should make plans. Calculate your "Gross Revenue" and "Net Profit" to make sure your budget will never reach the $0. Your total expenses should not exceed your Net Profit. If you believe you can generate some sales to provide for your expenses of your second year, you should invest all your money at once. If you see you cannot generate enough sales just in one year to provide for your expenses, you shouldn't invest all your money at once and must save some money for the next year.

Be prepared, start writing content, growth hacking and link building right after your website is built. Gather some testimonials to generate more sales and make a beautiful landing page.
How have you started building your content for your website? and how do you do growth hacking and link building after your site is complete? please clarify these points.


New member
Jan 30, 2016
Once your website is built, you should write some content. Start by writing relevant & valuable content and try to include your keywords inside it only when necessary, not to lower the quality of your content. If you're targeting a keyword like "Trusted", write some content about it. Use sentences like: "We are trusted by millions! Our trusted .... helps you..."

Growth Hacking is simply the process of growing your business with some hacks/tricks. Building testimonials itself is a growth hack in which you're improving your confidence. In Growth Hacking, you attract more customers and make them believe that you're seriously doing right.
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