I need traffic!


New member
Sep 8, 2016
So I am a newbie here and also in the internet marketing world.....well kinda...

I have been learning for the last year all things about internet marketing. I have recently launched my first site offering an eBook in a niche.

I am now ready to drive traffic to the site but I am lost...

I want to learn how to create backlinks, create do follow links through social media and guest comments on blogs, and any other ways to get traffic.

With facebook, I can't seem to be able to join groups from my page and or comment from my page...I think it may be a new facebook rule?

What would be the best way to rank my site and drive traffic for free?

I would appreciate any help possible, Thanks in advance!


New member
Jun 6, 2012
So I am a newbie here and also in the internet marketing world.....well kinda...

I have been learning for the last year all things about internet marketing. I have recently launched my first site offering an eBook in a niche.

I am now ready to drive traffic to the site but I am lost...
There are tons of threads that helping you learn tips on how to drive traffic to your site

I want to learn how to create backlinks, create do follow links through social media and guest comments on blogs, and any other ways to get traffic.
You can create dofollow backlinks to your site by finding dofollow forums like this forum or using guest blog posts.

Most social media sites are nofollow links and you can get dofollow backlinks from them. The same, bloggers change links on their sites from dofollow to no follow links so guest comments will not work and you also don't expect to get dofollow backlinks from comments on blogs

With facebook, I can't seem to be able to join groups from my page and or comment from my page...I think it may be a new facebook rule?
You can not join groups from my page and or comment from your page unless you do that from your Faccebook profile.

What would be the best way to rank my site and drive traffic for free?
I think this can help you

Using forums to drive traffic to websites for free is one of effective ways that I am using and it works as well. You are on and why you don't try this way.

Good luck!


New member
Sep 8, 2016
You can create dofollow backlinks to your site by finding dofollow forums like this forum or using guest blog posts.
So is that achieved just by having my website link in my profile? and by commenting on posts and forum threads, it would leave a link to my profile, hence a link to my site?

Most social media sites are nofollow links and you can get dofollow backlinks from them.
So if they are nofollow links....how do you get dofollow links from them?

The same, bloggers change links on their sites from dofollow to no follow links so guest comments will not work and you also don't expect to get dofollow backlinks from comments on blogs
That makes sense

You can not join groups from my page and or comment from your page unless you do that from your Faccebook profile.
Does that create a backlink? I have an eBook but I am using an alias as the author name....would it be better for me to create a new facebook profile by his name? then use that to join groups and comment and like to create link juice? so long as the website is in my profile? then you have to add friends to give your profile authority?

Thanks heaps!
You've got me thinking and given me some direction :)
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New member
Aug 27, 2016
So I am a newbie here and also in the internet marketing world.....well kinda...

I have been learning for the last year all things about internet marketing. I have recently launched my first site offering an eBook in a niche.

I am now ready to drive traffic to the site but I am lost...

I want to learn how to create backlinks, create do follow links through social media and guest comments on blogs, and any other ways to get traffic.

With facebook, I can't seem to be able to join groups from my page and or comment from my page...I think it may be a new facebook rule?

What would be the best way to rank my site and drive traffic for free?

I would appreciate any help possible, Thanks in advance!
When you try to join groups in a bulk, Facebook bans you form joining more groups and from commenting on other groups, but the ban will be only temporarily and they Facebook will life the ban in couple of days. I know this because this happened to me too before when I tried to join a lot of groups. To get Facebook traffic, you can try paid Facebook traffic. Also you should learn SEO which will allow you to get organic traffic free of cost. Also it is better to giveaway your ebook on a squeeze page which will allow you to capture their name and email address so you can follow up with them. You can also guest blog on there people's website to get traffic, write articles for ezines, or write articles for free for people in return for a shoutout.


New member
Sep 20, 2016
I've looked at your question... And all the responses you've received... and for some reason, I think you are confusing do follow and no follow links as a way to drive traffic. Those actually help you rank your content high in the search engine. (maybe I misread this)

In order to drive traffic for free.. you can join with you profile, many fb groups. 5-10 per day maximum. So you don't get banned.

You can post question type post on Reddit, and drive people to your site.

You can become active in forums, add in your signature to the bottom.

You can post threads such as special offers (normally cost a bit of money) and drive traffic to those.

You can use curated content, post it on your blog, and share those on social media, and drive traffic that way.

You can create paid product with the funnel, offer good commission to affiliates, and have them drive traffic for you. (Advanced strategy but works!)

Once you build a list, you can do ad swaps and drive traffic that way.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
I've found commenting on related blogs can bring more than traffic.

It's not huge numbers but with the right comments you can bring in hits.

Another big benefit of blog commenting is that you "can" build relationships with other blogs. These relationships "can" lead to getting asked to guest blog, working on projects together and just as important it can lead to creating a group of people that always share your content on social platforms.

Getting guest posts is one of the best, I've seen sales from that alone. And it's so much better when people ask you to write a post for their blog, rather than you bugging other bloggers.

And obviously commenting can build your name and reputation.

But.. blog commenting can be time consuming.
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New member
Oct 1, 2016
It seems like you're trying to do too much at one time!

Focus on one method at a time and then when you have it working for you, add on additional methods one at a time.

Also, whatever niche your ebook is in is where you want to be marketing i.e. find that niche online or on Facebook and be there giving tips etc or buy advertising there.


Active member
Dec 7, 2014
1) How to create backlinks?

I'm not a link builder so the answer might not be interesting. However, after published the articles on blog, I found some bloggers linked to the articles. Last two weeks, a blogger wrote review and mentioned on his blog.

So, the answer should be a question. Ask yourself why do others need to link to your article?

1. Your article might be the asset to them.

2. Because you always link to them.

3. You pay them.

4. so on...

2) Technically, you cannot create backlinks through social media platform. But, it's possible.

When found something useful for my audiences on social media such as Twitter and Facebook, I embed the tweet on post. Then publish the post and mentioned the name who belong to the tweet I embedded. Those people love what I wrote and linked to my article. That's it.

3) Comment on other blog.

Not much idea, but @Ron Killian told everything related to commenting tactic.

However, make sure you leave the quality comment related to the article. What's more, leave call to action in comment.


New member
Sep 20, 2016
If you're looking for free, you'll need to submit your links yourself to social networks. Try Reddit, it's often overlooked by a lot of people. Everyone mentions Facebook/Twitter, but it's really not as easy as it sounds unless you already have a large following.

Try comments sections of websites too. I know it's frowned upon, but if you post your link in such a way that it's actually useful to people, then there's nothing wrong with that. Just make sure to find website/blogs that allow comments and that your ebook is related to the topic.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
And they could be wasting all kinds of time because many blogs won't allow links. Not like it's a big secret. They spend all this time commenting for nothing. That is so spammy. Only blogs that it might work are the ones that are not worth it.

At the very least comment on blogs that use CommentLuv, then you are allowed a link.


Active member
Dec 7, 2014
I'm not mentioning about leaving link in comment, but Call to Action (CTA). Yes, I know Commentluv allows us to have a recently post link below the comment. Mostly, the readers not intend to read your comment or click on your commentlu link so you need a Call to Action to pull them.

So, CTA isn't all about leaving link, but the technique to push the readers to what you want.

For instance, ask the question related to your recent post will encourage the readers to click on the link of Commentluv.


Mar 21, 2015
I have to agree with you about this, nowadays bloggers know about worth of links on their blogs and it's not easy to be accepted and having links on their blogs. If that happened they could remove links and just putting your comments on blog posts. It's a way I have seen more people doing.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
If you leave good comments, add value or kiss butt, it should not be a problem. It also goes back to becoming a part of the community, leaving good comments on a regular basis, so people (blog owners included) get to know and trust you.

Of course you "can" get more from blogs that use CommentLUV because you get that extra post link and with good blog posts titles (something that should be done anyways) you could get some clicks. Not saying I've seen much traffic with this technique, but it's something bloggers can try. At the very least it is a way to get more comments on your own blog. A blog without comments is a ghost town. Comments can be social proof.

And I shouldn't have to say it, though it seems like so FEW people seem to get it, that when you leave GOOD comments, you build a reputation and you build your name. Most people leave lame, nonsense or comments that don't make sense, that doesn't work. They are wasting their time. If you look like an idiot, how many people are going to click your links?

I was looking over my analytics the other day and noticed I am getting sales (new customers) coming through Disqus. I've known that platform was sending traffic, seen it in my stats before, but, now it's also bringing in sales. Just from setting up my Disqus profile and leaving good comments on sites that use it. Funny, there are some people that seem to dislike Disqus (Though they never have a valid reason), but it's the one commenting tactic that has for sure brought me traffic and sales.

As I said before, commenting might be time consuming and might not bring much in the short term, in the long term (if you are a decent writer), it can bring in so much more. The best traffic and more importantly sales I've seen that comes as a possible benefit of commenting is getting guest posts.

Of course I am not saying blog commenting is the best use of your time, depends on your end goal. If you only want traffic, save your time and buy it. If you want to build a brand or a name, commenting can be a route.

Just my opinions :)


New member
Nov 13, 2016
So I am a newbie here and also in the internet marketing world.....well kinda...

What would be the best way to rank my site and drive traffic for free?
With every piece of content you create, you need to have a promotion plan BEFORE you even start writing the content. So you need to know if (1) it's a topic that people are interested in (2) how many people have written about the topic (3) what kind of content the most shared posts on that topic covers.

After you know that, you already won most of the battle. Regarding the promotion part, you can start with some email outreach. Finding out who shared some of the most popular posts on that topic and letting them know about your content. Use a tool like BuzzSumo for this.

Another thing for the promotion is to amplify your content as much as possible. So just because your post is on your site doesn't mean that's the end. Repurpose it on Slideshare with slides, create a video from it, then take that audio from that video and turn it into a podcast. You want to get as many uses out of that one piece of content as possible.

Now, other ways to get traffic are through Reddit and StumbleUpon and those sites can really make your content go viral and bring you a boatload of traffic. But that doesn't necessarily mean they're good traffic.

I would focus on the first two methods I mentioned. Especially the email outreach. It's time consuming, but at least you know your're getting in front of people that's known to share content similar to yours.

If you leave good comments, add value or kiss butt, it should not be a problem. It also goes back to becoming a part of the community, leaving good comments on a regular basis, so people (blog owners included) get to know and trust you.

Of course you "can" get more from blogs that use CommentLUV because you get that extra post link and with good blog posts titles (something that should be done anyways) you could get some clicks. Not saying I've seen much traffic with this technique, but it's something bloggers can try. At the very least it is a way to get more comments on your own blog. A blog without comments is a ghost town. Comments can be social proof.

And I shouldn't have to say it, though it seems like so FEW people seem to get it, that when you leave GOOD comments, you build a reputation and you build your name. Most people leave lame, nonsense or comments that don't make sense, that doesn't work. They are wasting their time. If you look like an idiot, how many people are going to click your links?

I was looking over my analytics the other day and noticed I am getting sales (new customers) coming through Disqus. I've known that platform was sending traffic, seen it in my stats before, but, now it's also bringing in sales. Just from setting up my Disqus profile and leaving good comments on sites that use it. Funny, there are some people that seem to dislike Disqus (Though they never have a valid reason), but it's the one commenting tactic that has for sure brought me traffic and sales.

As I said before, commenting might be time consuming and might not bring much in the short term, in the long term (if you are a decent writer), it can bring in so much more. The best traffic and more importantly sales I've seen that comes as a possible benefit of commenting is getting guest posts.

Of course I am not saying blog commenting is the best use of your time, depends on your end goal. If you only want traffic, save your time and buy it. If you want to build a brand or a name, commenting can be a route.

Just my opinions :)
I agree with you, Ron. Blog commenting can and is still an effective strategy to get traffic. Especially if you're one of the first few to comment on a post from a popular site.

It's just so darn time consuming. That's the killer.
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