When I'm starting work in the morning after I bring my little girl to school I'll always focus on adding quality content to my websites in order to get higher rankings in the SERPs. But that takes time.
After I get some good content up on my sites, I'll start browsing popular forums and answer questions if I can. I don't spam my links in the comments because no one likes that lol.
Then I'll check my PPC campaigns and see what was getting the most clicks over the last 24 hours and if I can reduce the CPC if possible to save some cash.
Usually it's lunch time by now and I'll eat whatever is in my fridge lol.
Now I'll get to posting blog posts on certain websites that pay me per post. I got lucky on this one because my writing skills are usually pretty good and I'm knowledgeable for almost anything that has to do with websites, marketing, and making money online

I'll do this until my little girl is done with school.
After my little girl is home I usually take it a lot slower until later at night when I can start hammering out more work