Hey there EnricTellez, your webpage runs at a smooth speed, and your webpage wants you to re-size some of the large images. For the sake of all monitors, modern day 2017, go with 960px wide on your images.
Also, drop the overall image quality by 25% - 45%. Trust me, only a super hero will see the true difference. :shot:
What is your sitemap URL? Have you connected your webpage to Google Search Console?:think:
Apart from that, I suggest removing the keyword meta tag, and extend your page description a little. I like about 100 characters. No more than 150. Your description seems a bit short. Easy fix!
Do you have a pop box script, or something that pops like a sales bar for when your visitors arrive, and/or, for when they're exiting your page?
I ask because, depending on your purpose of having your website, pop-ins and pop-ups can be game changing if you're looking to accomplish a specific goal from your website that your visitors must be a part of.
I like your website. Let me know if you need pop scripts. :big_boss: