How to price your product?


New member
Jul 18, 2017
Hello guys!
So I've been selling products and services online but I have a little porblem when it comes to pricing! especially when it comes to services... I'm a nurse and I have this page to offer my services but I don't quite know how to price them without losing money... Sometime I get this feeling that I'm charging less than I shlould. How to avoid this? please help!


New member
Jul 18, 2017
That's a great idea, thanks!. I've been doing a bit of this but I don't find it so accurate because I don't know how they price their prices, I don't know what products they use in their services, what if they are not quality products? I don't know if they are graduate nurses and from which college, in this profession this is important because there are some people who do this without having a degree yet...


New member
Jul 31, 2017
Price is an important factor here when selling or buying a product. It's always better to follow the rule of thumb. First, you need to set competitive price rates. That way you'll never feel that you're underpricing your products or services. Also you need to promote your products as much as possible. You can use social networking sites, other forums that let you promote your products, and blogs, and all those ways of promoting that people generally use.

When you start getting customers you need to increase your prices a little by little. But don't overdo it or you'll lose your customers. Also it is important to maintain a good reputation among customers. Never sell a product of low quality. Always sell the products that deliver on promises. Rule of thumb: one of my instructor always used to say, "Sell those kinds of products or services that you yourself would love to buy if you were a customer. Think of it all as a customer. Have a customer's eyes and mind when selling. Have good quality products and deliver on your promises. That way you're more likely to succeed."

So when you have plenty of customers and they know that you're legit and reputable then they'll pay anything as long as they receive quality products from you.

One more thing never price your product too low. Some customer may feel that it's cheap because the product may not be of quality. Remember the customer's thinking. Even when we buy a product of a popular brand we pay anything because we know that they wouldn't compromise on quality. So be this Brand and customers will pay you anything.

Wishing you success. Bye bye and take care.:)


New member
Aug 1, 2017
Pricing your products is quite easy. What you do is you add all of these factors together :

- Price of product wholesale
- Shipping costs
- Distribution costs
- Import costs ( if applicable )
- Marketing costs

These factors below are only useful if you're selling a physical product of some sort

- Rent of storage
- Insurance costs
- Employees

You get the picture. If you add all these together and add your profit margin ( I suggest something at least higher than 20% ) you have your price.

NOTE : What is very important is that you find your personal niche where there isn't much competition, there's no chance in competing in highly competitive markets such as tv's, computers, games etc.
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