It really depends on the nature of your business. As you're in the same market as us, you're bound to run into the same issues. Targeting businesses through Social Media is quite often a struggle, especially accounting for the informal nature of platforms such as Facebook & Twitter.
You're also going to have to consider your KPI's. Are you looking to drive more traffic to the site, increase brand awareness, or drive conversions? Conversions can often be the hardest to push, because they represent the ultimate goal. From ground up, having an impact on social media is about building your audience and appealing directly to them. Share helpful content that not only presents you as experts in the field, but show what you can do differently. The flexibilty that FB & Twitter allow will give you the freedom to be a little more human. Don't be afraid to interact directly with your audience.
The value of social comes from communication with your audience. Whilst that may be tough in the web hosting industry, there is still value in interaction, and you don't always have to talk shop. Build your brand reputation for being 'different' or perhaps even 'quirky/oddball'. So long as you show your audience that you're not only human, but also incredibly knowledgeable and that possess the infrastructure to be able to help them achieve their goals, that's when you're going to start seeing an uplift in business.