WTS All-in-One YouTube Promotion & SEO Ranking Service 2017+ SEO + Promotion


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
We've taken the best from all our YouTube promotion services and put them together into one powerful All-in-One YouTube Promotion & SEO Ranking Service!

Apocalyptic YouTube Promotion + SEO Service!
We will actively post and promote your video to the biggest social media sites, pages, groups, communities & more. We're joined to some of the biggest most exclusive sites and their communities that are very exclusive like our exclusive large Pinterest communities and the huge Twitter exposure we get for you using several massive Twitter accounts tweets with thousands of retweets and more.

REAL Powerful YouTube video SEO

We will do powerful white hat Google friendly high authority SEO on your video that will help it to rank higher for your targeted keywords. Whether you're targeting high competition keywords or even low search volume long tail keywords. This service can help your video to rank higher for them which means more views/traffic/visitors, sales etc for you. And you can take that to the bank!

Best and Biggest Social Media Promotion
With our standard service, we still do quite a lot of social media marketing promotion on the biggest groups and communities. It's enough to blanket the top social media sites and ensure your message is put out there for all to see. Plus our big Twitter account Tweets and retweets gets you seen much more on Twitter than before! Each subsequent pin/repin, tweet/retweet, +1 etc will count as another social signal. All posts will remain permanently going on to get more and rank higher and send more traffic as time goes on.

  • 100 big social media group submissions.
  • 20 community page submissions.
  • 25 Google+ community submissions.
  • 10 Pinterest community board submissions.
  • 25 social media bookmark submissions.
  • Big Twitter account tweets/retweets.
Engagement Begets More Engagement!
You know how videos with lots of views naturally get viewed more right? And videos with lots of likes and comments naturally beget more likes and comments too. Especially if they're recently added. These also all help your video to rank higher on YouTube. So to help with that and boost engagement on your video, we will add many high quality views, likes, favs, reshares & comments to your video. In time, these will go on to help your video naturally get more of the same in time too. Hey, some videos need a nudge to get started!

With the standard service we will add the following engagement to your video:

  • 10k mix of mostly US & social media views (70/30)
  • 200 Likes from real accounts.
  • 200 Favs from real accounts.
  • 200 Reshares from real accounts.
  • 10 custom positive and upbeat comments.
  • 50 Subscribers to your channel of choice.
All views, likes, comments etc will start within 24 hours and can be done slow, medium or fast speed.

Social Signals Count! Here's 5000 of Them!

Social signals really do count and no popular video doesn't have them! They are near the first way for search engines to know your video is worth ranking.

We'll add around 5000 mixed social signals to your video URL made up of all the best and biggest social media platforms and more (top 7+ platforms).

The types of social signals we will add are made up of likes, shares, reshares, tweets, retweets, pins, repins, +1's and more.

  • Facebook social shares (PR-9)
  • Twitter Tweets/Retweets (PR-10)
  • Twitter Likes/Favorites (PR-10)
  • Pinterest Pins/Repins (PR-9)
  • Google Plus ones (PR-9)
  • LinkedIn shares (PR-9)
  • VKontakte Shares (PR-9)
  • Gold Reddit Shares (PR-8)
  • StumbleUpon Shares (PR-8)
  • Buffer Shares (PR-3)

Big Twitter Account Retweets?
We'll use several resources for sending big Twitter account tweets and retweets. These are basically sponsored tweets that we get for you using our resource pool and knowledge and experience of who the best is to use. After our work you'll not only have your tweet and video seen by thousands of people but also create thousands of Twitter social signals for your video creating more hype, buzz and benefits for your video, channel and success.

High Quality YouTube SEO Embeds & Backlinks & Promotion

On top of all of this work we do for you, we'll further improve and strengthen your SEO with 1000's of YouTube video embeds and backlinks across tons of PBN's and high quality blogs and sites.

High Authority Contextual Doc / Slide / Guest Post / News submissions
As an extra we can create high authority contextual SEO backlinks using a mix of the top high authority doc/slide sites. These are high authority sites and having natural organic contextual backlinks from these sites in the form of Docs and Slides along with some high quality articles on the top 5 authority community guest post sites like; (makes for high quality SEO on its own). These are very hot and exclusive sites today that no big video, channel or business is without them.

  • SlideShare
  • SlideServe
  • SlideBoom
  • Scribd
  • Issuuu
  • Poweshow
  • Zoho
  • DocDroid etc.

High Authority Community Guest Posts
We add another level of authority, by embedding your video in an engaging article to some of the top high authority community guest posting sites. These sites rank very highly, have millions of daily users and are very powerful to have and include in any SEO campaign today! We'll submit to sites like;

  • Medium
  • Minds
  • Lifehack
  • Buzzfeed
  • Storify
  • Notey
  • WN etc

The Best of Both Worlds SMM + SEO + Promotion
With this service we combine both SMM and SEO together so that you get the best from both worlds. You get the best of Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization. Along with a pack-a-punch of Social Signals that can only have positive benefits. When we combine real social media promotion (which is a form of SEO), along with actual SEO, it results in more REAL views, likes, fav's, reshares, comments & subscribers and better organic rankings for your video both on YouTube and in Google.

100% Safe Natural and Positively Interesting
The best thing about our service is that it's all 100% high quality, safe and natural SEO and SMM that can only have positively interesting results for your video and channel overall. With all the work we do, all of it permanent, it will surely go on to help your video in positive ways.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
We aim for 100% of your satisfaction. We don't cut corners and always do a full professional job. We can't make guarantees of first page Google rankings or coming 1st for all your keywords. We can't guarantee that you'll get famous from all this work if you get more views, likes, subscribers etc (apart from the ones we add). Although you know how it can help, and one thing we can 100% guarantee is to do it for and do it well!

All-in-One YouTube Promotion & SEO Ranking Service
One Powerful and Effective YouTube Video Promo + SEO service

Who is this service for?
Anyone that wants to promote and SEO rank up a YouTube video of any kind.
Is this service 100% safe?
Yes absolutely, we only do friendly social media sharing and legitimate and natural link building and SEO.
How long does it take to complete all the work?
For the standard service we'll complete the full service for you within 5 days usually depending on your extras.
How long until I see results / ranking improvements?
If by results you mean views, likes, comments etc you'll notice them starting within 24 hours. If by ranking improvements then you should see them within a week or so after everything is done.
What's Allowed and Not?
We accept any video that is safe-for-work. Most things accepted in any niche/genre. Contact us first if you're unsure and we'll let you know and advise you.
How many videos can I use per order?
We accept 1 video per order per time really. We may be able to split up different parts of the service across different videos but to get the best impact of the service it's best to use 1 video at a time.
Can you create a custom promotion message for me?
No problem! If you don't really know what to say or don't have much to say, just leave it with us and we'll create a custom promotional message that is appealing with a couple #hashtags maybe.

For any more questions just send me a quick message.

Price for this service: Just $64.99

That's a great price for such an awesome all in one SEO and SMM service!

What We Need from You:
Your Video URL: Your YouTube video link.
Your message: Optionally give us a promotional message to post with it. Some #hashtags maybe. (We can come up with and create a message for you if you like).
And keywords you are targeting.

To order
Send payment via PayPal: [email protected].
Pay using my PayPal.me page: https://www.paypal.me/thanksmuch/64.99

Thanks and to your success!

Mike and Team.
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