Website speed is critical. A slow website will negatively impact your ranking and user experience. Page load speed has even become a factor ranking your site.
Fortunately, to speed up the page loading process is not difficult, the following ways will help you accelerate the website:
Get measurements about your website
First, you need to know how useful your website is. Open a tool called GTMetrix and run through this tool. It will tell you the speed information of your current site so that you know which to improve.
Upgrade host
In general, some server-side errors can cause slow performance. Therefore, choosing the right hosting environment is very important. For the best WordPress performance, I recommend hosting packages on this forum to use for your blog.
Take advantage of CDN
A CDN will help you speed up your site by storing multiple versions of your site on multiple servers around the world. So when visitors go to your site, they will get the version closest to where they visit. To find a free CDN solution, you can integrate your site with CDN like Cloudflare.
Use Caching Plugin
Caching plugins will create static HTML site files, instead of using PHP files that are typically used to run WordPress. It will significantly reduce the number of requests to the server from the user's browser and hence will speed up the page load.
Some of the most popular WordPress caching plugins are W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache.
Optimize your images or videos
If you are uploading photos to your site, then you need to optimize them to lighten the site down.
To optimize the image, follow these steps:
- Reduce file size by optimizing images through tools like TinyPNG.
- Resize the image to the right size before uploading.
- Install image optimization plugin such as WP Smush.