Simple mindset fundamentals that you need to adopt to have the life of your dreams are:
- Know exactly what you want (these must be your dreams, not things that others want for you, or things you think that you should want).
- Believe whole heartedly that you can achieve your dreams, so much so that nobody or nothing can stop you from believing in yourself and your ability to get there. Barriers to a strong self belief include: Lack of results: This is simply a challenge to overcome, it just means you havent had results YET. If you keep working your plan, and perhaps adapt when there may be slight holes in it, then you will get there. Lack of support from others: This is often due to lack of belief in themselves and you cannot afford to let it dampen your own self belief in anyway. Make sure you surround yourself with people who are positive influences on your life, and preferably have people that you mix with that you look up to and wish to emulate.