Basic knowledge of web hosting for beginners


Sep 28, 2012
What is web hosting?
That is something you need to know when you want to put a website online How does this and what does it all mean. In this article we will tell you the basics on what to do with hosting.

Generally involves a web of text and pictures. The information we call content and the appearance of the page is called design. In order to make your page available for others must be placed on a web server. You should think of a computer that dozens or hundreds of websites. These computers have a super fast connection to the Internet. When you visit a webpage, your browser contacts a Web server, which gets to your computer and shows the page.

Hosting provider
All in all, a web server is necessary if you are planning your website to show to the rest of the world. There are thousands of web servers in the world and there are companies that own them. Such companies we call a web hosting provider.

How does a hosting provider?
A hosting provider can have dozens of web servers with thousands of websites. This particular web server computers are usually in large numbers in a special place, or in a special building, what we call a data center. Apart from the high speed internet these spaces are decorated specifically for servers so that safety conditions are optimal. There is usually heating, ventilation and air conditioning, fire protection, virus protection, data backup facility and an emergency generator if the power goes out.

What does a hosting provider?
To be able to run your site need your space on a web server for your data and a connection to. The amount of data that is available to you on the web server, commonly referred to as 'disk' with a number of MB amount. The connection to the Internet and the amount that visitors may view is displayed as data traffic and is measured in MB or GB.

Any web hosting provider will do deals with differences in disk space and data traffic. Usually these two cases, the main components of an offer.

Terminology of web hosting
There are a whole bunch of terms used in web hosting may not all equally bright. So there are: virtual web hosting, dedicated hosting, co-locating hosting, shared hosting and reseller hosting. We go along these terms.

Shared Web Hosting
Shared hosting or virtual hosting are two terms for the same. Shared hosting means that there are multiple sites on a web server all have a set amount of disk space and bandwidth. They all run side by side, sometimes hundreds of websites simultaneously. By the number of websites on a server, you should consider a slower response from the server for your website. Incidentally, this is no problem, but in a good web host for smaller web hosters is to make the profit and so on.

Reseller Web Hosting
If a web host offers the service that a third party can also provide hosting, we call that third party a reseller and reseller hosting. Usually not remain the provider of the hosting, the reseller, the one who is responsible for the technical state of affairs. It is clear that there must be close and smooth contact with technical problems between the reseller and the web host. A client of the reseller will require the same support, only it now runs through a third party what ever delay can cause we outline one of the biggest drawbacks. Usually make a reseller package, web designers and developers use to their service for customers.

Dedicated Web Hosting
Dedicated web hosting when a customer rents an entire Web server. Usually the practice that a web server is divided into three parts and three customers is rented. But this way with three customers remains attractive when to put more than one website on the server. Here only the bandwidth as well as the choice for the software to run. Incidentally, this is the technical responsibility of the web hosting company. This option is typically used by large e-commerce companies, mainly because of the high (er) price.

Co-location Web Hosting
Co-located hosting seems on dedicated hosting. the big difference is that with dedicated hosting the web server of the hosting provider is leased by the customer, co-located hosting the customer owns the web server. The hosting provider leases the space to the server and sells bandwidth. This gives the customer full control over the server and he can determine what needs turning to software and hardware they do have the security of a data center, but is also responsible for the latest updates and virus scans.

What's your choice?
With this information you can probably already better make a choice. It is not easy with so much on offer to find a good web host do not go alone on the lowest price, but also look at the options and the quality of service that is offered.

If you have more difficult to find a good hosting for you website, don't hesitate to PM me. :victory:
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