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- Jun 14, 2013
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Some people need a slap upside their head! No, really...
I've been a webmaster, online marketer & moderator of several sites for over 15 years and I plan to retire within the year, but before I go I wanted to leave everyone with a bit of wisdom I've learned from all my experiences over the years.
What I've learned is that, when it comes to making money, most people fail because they are too lazy or unmotivated to do the hard work needed to succeed. Look at some of the threads on this very forum....
- Members asking for the EASY way to make money online (there is none)
- Members posting simply "I'm interested. PM me" about an opportunity instead of taking the initiative to pursue it themselves
- Members asking simple questions instead of researching it themselves
- Members trying to sneak spam links into their messages, as if we don't see it and remove it....
I see this kind of crap EVERYWHERE on every forum & site and it is NOT going to get you anywhere!!!
FIRST, your computer is NOT a cash spitting ATM....the "gurus" are LYING to get you to buy their overpriced courses and there is no EASY way to make money online. Those are the very basics you need to know, and if you don't understand that by now then you need to give up your online dream of working from home in your underwear and get a "real" job. Understood??
Second, only YOU are responsible for your own success. Nobody else owes you anything! If you aren't willing to WORK and LEARN and take control of your future, then you WILL FAIL. Simple as that. If someone posts an opportunity, then contact THEM about it....don't sit back and wait for opportunity to come to you. Opportunity doesn't knock....it's SEIZED....by YOU!!!!
Always question EVERYTHING. Read more about the opportunity you are interested in learning about....research it. Look at reviews, posts, etc. Don't just blindly promote something because one person told you it's "the next best thing".
Do you think rich, successful people wait for opportunity to come knocking on their door? Do you think a young Elon Musk used to sit around hoping someone would knock on his door some day to hand him the "secret" to making money? Do you think Bill Gates in the 1970's said "gee, this computer thing seems kinda cool, but I think I'll open an ice cream shop instead"?
Rich people CREATE their own opportunity....they don't WAIT for it! When Mark Zuckerburg heard the idea of creating a social site in university from the Vinklevoss brothers he TOOK it and expanded upon it. He didn't say "Hey guys, that seems like a fine idea. I hope you do well with it. I'm off to class now!"
You NEED to take charge of your own destiny!! Don't let someone else determine YOUR success!
One final piece of advice for anyone looking to be successful....always remember this simple rule:
Work SMARTER, not harder!
RICH people buy assets where the money works FOR you. Then use the profits to gain MORE assets and scale upwards.
POOR people buy liabilities where you are constantly broke or in debt trying to maintain your "stuff" by working yourself (aka "sweat equity")
So, is your future going to be RICH or POOR? Only you can decide...
I've been a webmaster, online marketer & moderator of several sites for over 15 years and I plan to retire within the year, but before I go I wanted to leave everyone with a bit of wisdom I've learned from all my experiences over the years.
What I've learned is that, when it comes to making money, most people fail because they are too lazy or unmotivated to do the hard work needed to succeed. Look at some of the threads on this very forum....
- Members asking for the EASY way to make money online (there is none)
- Members posting simply "I'm interested. PM me" about an opportunity instead of taking the initiative to pursue it themselves
- Members asking simple questions instead of researching it themselves
- Members trying to sneak spam links into their messages, as if we don't see it and remove it....
I see this kind of crap EVERYWHERE on every forum & site and it is NOT going to get you anywhere!!!
FIRST, your computer is NOT a cash spitting ATM....the "gurus" are LYING to get you to buy their overpriced courses and there is no EASY way to make money online. Those are the very basics you need to know, and if you don't understand that by now then you need to give up your online dream of working from home in your underwear and get a "real" job. Understood??
Second, only YOU are responsible for your own success. Nobody else owes you anything! If you aren't willing to WORK and LEARN and take control of your future, then you WILL FAIL. Simple as that. If someone posts an opportunity, then contact THEM about it....don't sit back and wait for opportunity to come to you. Opportunity doesn't knock....it's SEIZED....by YOU!!!!
Always question EVERYTHING. Read more about the opportunity you are interested in learning about....research it. Look at reviews, posts, etc. Don't just blindly promote something because one person told you it's "the next best thing".
Do you think rich, successful people wait for opportunity to come knocking on their door? Do you think a young Elon Musk used to sit around hoping someone would knock on his door some day to hand him the "secret" to making money? Do you think Bill Gates in the 1970's said "gee, this computer thing seems kinda cool, but I think I'll open an ice cream shop instead"?
Rich people CREATE their own opportunity....they don't WAIT for it! When Mark Zuckerburg heard the idea of creating a social site in university from the Vinklevoss brothers he TOOK it and expanded upon it. He didn't say "Hey guys, that seems like a fine idea. I hope you do well with it. I'm off to class now!"
You NEED to take charge of your own destiny!! Don't let someone else determine YOUR success!
One final piece of advice for anyone looking to be successful....always remember this simple rule:
Work SMARTER, not harder!
RICH people buy assets where the money works FOR you. Then use the profits to gain MORE assets and scale upwards.
POOR people buy liabilities where you are constantly broke or in debt trying to maintain your "stuff" by working yourself (aka "sweat equity")
So, is your future going to be RICH or POOR? Only you can decide...