Geo meta tags are prefers to describe about Geo location of website. it has no any extra advantage in SEO of website, it just use of telling to search engine location of website to make little trustworthy.
Geo Meta Tags are essentially meta tags in html format that will be employed for Geographical identification. Geo meta tags make that thing possible. You can go through to obtain depth concept about the Geo meta tag, when a person's goals particular area of SEO.
Do you know what meta tags are? Geo meta tags are a kind of meta tags that describes about your geographical locations for instance - if your address is 1058 Orchard Street Saint Paul, MN 55104 then tag will be
<meta name="geo.region" content="US-MN" />
<meta name="geo.placename" content="Saint Paul" />
<meta name="geo.position" content="44.972451;-93.144695" />
<meta name="ICBM" content="44.972451, -93.144695" />
Geo Meta Tags are used for Geographic identification for various media like Photographs, Websites, RSS feeds and videos. They consists of lattitudes, longitudes, distance, region and various factors related to those region.
Geo-Meta tag is important if you target the local market. GEO META Tag is the regional recognition for sites which includes permission and longitude, nation name. It can help a customer discover a extensive range of location-specific details. There are lots of geographical based which also can help you freely for analysis your all meta tags description. Can be published as
GEO META Tag is the geographical identification for websites which consists of latitude and longitude, country name. It can help a user find a wide variety of location-specific information. Can be written as