Jobs for those who want to have a free schedule and work remotely. It is about a part-time job, so students and freelancers welcome. Even if you dont have any experiences, we will provide you a guide how to earn your first money doing this job.
Main responsibilities: we need an advertising of a website on various platforms: forums, social networks, any other communities. The main objective is to attract to the website as much number of visitors as it is possible. Usually, it means to post links in thematic discussions.
Payment: We will pay you for the amount of traffic that came from your posted links. There isn't an upper limit of earnings, it depends entirely on how much time and efforts you are going to give to our project. Even if you stop working, your work will be paid. Our successful partners earn $ 1000 a month spending only 2-4 hours per day.
Requirements: English speaking and writing skills, knowledge of social networks, the ability to communicate on the forums. Special knowledge is not required, but it will be a plus.
People, who are interested in this offer, please PM me.
Thank you.
Main responsibilities: we need an advertising of a website on various platforms: forums, social networks, any other communities. The main objective is to attract to the website as much number of visitors as it is possible. Usually, it means to post links in thematic discussions.
Payment: We will pay you for the amount of traffic that came from your posted links. There isn't an upper limit of earnings, it depends entirely on how much time and efforts you are going to give to our project. Even if you stop working, your work will be paid. Our successful partners earn $ 1000 a month spending only 2-4 hours per day.
Requirements: English speaking and writing skills, knowledge of social networks, the ability to communicate on the forums. Special knowledge is not required, but it will be a plus.
People, who are interested in this offer, please PM me.
Thank you.