It depends on your processor type. Most new processors today are based on the 64-bit architecture and support 64-bit operating systems. To run a 64-bit operating system you need support from the lower level: the 64-bit CPU. (Sure, 64-bit CPU is also fully compatible with 32-bit operating systems.)
- More bits means that data can be processed in larger chunks.
- More bits means our system can point to a larger number of locations (in the physical memory).
An application/OS of 32-bit will work fine with 32-bit/64-bit CPU.
An application/OS of 64-bit will work ONLY with 64-bit CPU.
64-bit include greater access to memory for 64-bit applications, access to more than 4GB of physical RAM , and improved security capabilities.
Your question: does the 64-bit version use more memory than 32-bit?
Answer: Yes, it uses more memory, but it is not really a very big difference (max. 100MB). That happends because it supports 32-bit application (so it has several 32-bit libraries)
Your question: does the 64-bit version use more CPU than 32-bit?
Answer: NO. 64-bit will utilities the processing capabilities of the system a lot better than 32bit .
So, I recommend you to use 64-bit.
Hope this helps!