Hi LazyRiches, there are many wasy to protect your passwords, but first you need protect yourself by setting your password on the internet carefully because it can steal by someone wants to know about your account/information.
There are some tips that you should Do's and don'ts, Hope it can help:
Should Not
- Used personal information that can be guessed or accessed by someone, like birthdays (which happens more than we can imagine). It is very easy to remember, but also easy for someone to find it.
- The use of words that can find someone in some language.
- Using the same password on all accounts
Should Do
- Use a different password for each account.
- The combination of lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
- The change of the code at least once a quarter – the immediate change in cases
- Use the feature of Firefox's Master Password
There are some easy steps to remember your passwords in any case you should diffrent passwords on different websites.
1. Use the first letter and then capitalize the first: Tjhjfksf
2. make the loudest by adding a special character: Tjhjfksf!
3. Now, connect with every site you log in. For example, you can use YT for YouTube, FB for Facebook, GP for Google+ look something like this:
YTTjhjfksf!@ (for YouTube)
FBTjhjfksf!@ (for Facebook)
and it goes without saying
Of course the initials or whatever else you think can be added at the end, or make your own combination that of course won't share

Selecting secure passwords allows you to stay safe on the Internet.
Hope you will choose best and secure passwords for yourself.