Thank you for your post. I'm completely blind. I learn (and teach) differently (and I'm more comfortable teaching in person); and
This is why I prefer to create software products that can more conveniently execute these things, and provide service offers for things that can only be performed manually. In my experience, it's more straightforward (and effective) to hire people (even remote contractors) who can do excellent how to guides and tutorials for these software products, and to teach in person trainors who in turn can train inhouse employees (also in person) in performing relevant manual tasks for clients...
FOR NUMBER 1 -- Converting first time viewers of your website into fans of your Facebook Fan page and returning fans into viral social sharers of your onsite content by using embedded videos, which I discussed in detail from this post (
How to increase Facebook likes fast) -- I'm creating a premium WordPress plugin for this (aiming to complete this in the next 5 weeks). My objective for this software is to make the entire process more convenient...
FOR NUMBER 2 -- Integrating Facebook remarketing code into the pages of your website in order to continue promoting in Facebook your opt-in offers to people who've been to any of your pages but have yet to sign up -- Here's [URLnf=""]Facebook's guide on how to get your Facebook retargeting code...[/URLnf]
NOTE: If your website is in WordPress, then you can use this [URLnf=""]free WordPress plugin[/URLnf] to conveniently integrate your Facebook retargeting code into the pages and posts of your website...
FOR NUMBER 3 -- Syndicating your opt-in copy and other onsite content materials in your Facebook page -- The premium WordPress plugin that I'm creating will also have this function, which'd make it more convenient to do this (and more effective since I'd be using Facebook's call-to-action button for these shared posts)...
FOR NUMBER 4 -- Joining and actively participating and initiating and sharing relevant content in niche-related Facebook groups with hundreds upon thousands of members who could most likely be interested in your content and offers -- This is mainly a manual process. Same thing with paid ad campaigns that I mentioned in number 1, with Facebook PPC / PPM campaigns that I mentioned in number 2, and with Facebook post boost campaigns that I mentioned in number 3. And, since these are mainly manual tasks:
After I finish the plugin, perhaps I could offer manual services here, i.e. Our remote assistants with experience in doing these manual things (among other tasks) can be assigned as dedicated remote assistants of interested clients here...