Id say obtaining high volume low competiton keywords with Google Keyword Planner is a forte of myne.
This is my thought process:
I look for high volume low competiton keywords, the keyword planner has the option to view only the keywords which match like 500 searches a month or whatever the desired volume.
Also 10 keywords which have low competiton on google (competing pages don't have exact words in title and description and dont have alot of words and pictures and a video), and 500 searches a month each, you'll gain more traffic and rank 10 long tail easily then ranking one 2,000 a month keyword.
I have also created a program which harvests keywords on the google search box, up to five levels deep, which gives a goldmine of useful hidden keywords.
The program was created with Ubot so it automatically has a false kaperkly positive and more avs flag it eventually, it clean though I promice, here's the google search "Ubot False Positive"
And [URLnf="https://app.box.com/shared/static/e26f8zldobhc3vz1cp41.zip"]heres the download link[/URLnf] to my keyword harvester (if you don't feel safe with false positives use Sandboxie or Virtualbox)
I hope you are having a great day!
Best Regards,
Randy Gardner