I am starting a new wordpress blog and i found some keywords for my homepage site title
these keywords are having average monthly searches 200K
how to make a perfect title for my website?
I should add:
Keyword 1, Keyword 2
My Brand Name - Keyword 1 and Keyword 2
or which is your advice to make it better for SEO
Please share your thought
Some may argue with me, but I would say to stick with ONLY your brand name. Why would you make the title of your homepage a keyword? Unless the KW is in the name of your brand. Otherwise it looks cheap and generic and LOOKS like youre trying to "cheat" the search engines.
It's like my daughter, When there was nail polish on the carpet. She swears it wasn't her yet it spilled on her pant leg, and she's sitting there saying, "no dad, I didn't get into the nail polish". Same concept.
You've got KWs in the main title of your site, yet you're saying to Google "yeah Dad, I'm not trying to "cheat" the search engines into noticing me for keywords"
Only a dummy would respond, "OK".
You NEED to target KWs in your content and keep your KW density at 1-3%. If it's a blog, use a post's page that feeds recent posts as your home page and continually produce content generated on your niche and use your KW in about half of the content with a 1-3% density, then in the other content, use it ONE time. So less then 1%. And use a ton of LSI (latent semantic indexing).
Make sure you use images, at least 3 per blog post, with kw rich alt tags on all of em'. Don't over-do your focus KW! I can't stress enough that you need to keep it at 1-3%.
That's it man. ANd create helpful valuable content. 700-1000 words is what I shoot for. The minimum is 300. But, you get what you put in.