Hey, I'm not much of a programmer, although I am trying to learn more about it. I mean I am pretty decent at building sites on WordPress and such, but I certainly wouldn't classify myself as a programmer. I've used CodeCademy to learn more about it, but I feel that it has pretty big training wheels. A few of my friends feel the same way too. What are your thoughts on CC and do you know of any alternatives? Thanks in advance.
I have not ever heard about CodeCademy before. Perhaps, I have studied with my ways. I learned Flash and I can create complex animations, Photoshop, Corel draw, CSS & HTML to design cool templates. I learn PHP & MySQL, template engines and created dynamic sites from scratch...etc. From these knowledge I can see how they did on cms like wordpress, joomla, drupal..etc easily and build custom script easily too. I used to open web script to view their codes, it helps me learn quickly.
From basic knowledge about CSS, I even can learn and design a responsive design for some days or shorter.
W3school is also good place for beginners, I would suggest you try videos from lynda or read ebooks programming from amazon..etc.
Besides, I learn more things about IM, affiliate marketing, especially SEO on this forum. I can combine web design techniques with SEO like on-page SEO. It's great combinations
I think I learned so many things relate to website, marketing...and combining them into one