Yeah using these hidden google commands for search will help us find exact sources and sites base on our conditions. I agree with you about this, I used to use it to search information on google."keyword" + inurl:links
"keyword" + "helpful resources" + "resources" + "keyword" links
"keyword resources"
You are an intelligent person, always think creative ways to have backlinks like that. It's really a nice trickHere's another trick you can use: As you're browsing these websites check if there's any broken links. If you find one then simply ask the website owner to replace it with your link, most of the time they'll say yes and Thank you.
Another ninja trick, that I've never shared with anyone and hasn't seen a lot of people talk about. Take the broken link and put it on any backlink checker tool. Find all the websites that link to the broken link, contact the webmaster and ask them to replace the link with yours.
Don't tell them you're the website owner, tell them that you have a similar website. Hope you understandWhat will happen if they doubt you are not website owner of those backlinks?D:
Backlinks from high PR sites are the most useful for your website. Try to get engage in High PR forums, communities, and do blog commenting too. Hope this will help you to generate quality traffic.Hello Guys,
Can you guys tell me What BackLink Would be Most Useful For My Website? I want to know what is the best Backlink to generate more traffics and how can i do it.
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